I had wanted a Power Pole for quite some time, but it had always been on the wish list until last year when I upgraded boats it came with an 8' Blade. It worked great, until late in the year it started making noises that sounded like it was low on fluid. The pump was mounted in a pretty inaccessible location, but with some work I found it was in fact low on fluid so I added some and it quieted right back down and continued working as normal. I noticed the fluid in the reservoir was pretty dark compared to what I added. I did some research online and found that the hydraulic fluid should be changed when it gets too dark colored and there's a color scale somewhere out there to compare it to. Since it was so close to the end of the year, I decided to wait until this year to do the flush and while I was at it, I would move the pump to a more accessible location. In the process, I realized the leak in my pump was coming from between the pump and the valve body. I contacted Power Pole to see if there was a seal that needed to be replaced and was told the unfortunate news the pump would have to be sent in for service. I pulled the pump and stuck it in the mail thinking it would be down for some time, but to my surprise the pump was ready to ship the same day they received it. Had it not been for FedEx not showing up when they said they would, total down time would have been a total of 4.5 days, but it ended up being just under a week. I'm beyond impressed given that I live on the opposite side of the country. Best of all, it was completely covered with the exception of the cost of shipping the pump to them. I've always heard good things about their customer service team, but WOW! I'm super impressed and have nothing but good things to say from this experience. It's good to see there are still companies out there who care about their customers. I'm not associated with them in any way, but if you're on the fence about choosing a shallow water anchor, I can confidently say you can't go wrong with a Power Pole.