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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. It something totally up to you. Honestly I don't really think it matters. I fish out of glass boats that do the same thing as well as have a polished stainless prop that I'm sure shines in the sun too and I don't think it makes a difference. If you think it does, then don't polish the aluminum on your build or paint it a flat color so it doesn't reflect at all.
  2. I'd either go get a round coupler instead, or weld some quarter inch plate toe the pipe to fill the gap and add some support.
  3. Froggin is always rewarding! The worst is when that crap totally packs your guide so tight that your line totally stops
  4. Cotton wood trees are the devil!
  5. In rivers they will move a ways. I'd try to find the nearest hard bottom though.
  6. I just got one for Christmas and have been reading up on them. The possibilities are pretty much endless on how and where you want to mount them. The great thing about the Hero 3+ having the built in wifi is that you can preview your cameras view right on your phone so you can check to make sure you're getting what you want before you even start recording. I look forward to seeing some sweet vids!
  7. I'd check to make sure it works first, but 3 years old for a locator isn't very old. If it's made it past that long it should give you years of service. If you follow ramblers advice and not pay more than $5 for it you most likely won't be buying a working locator.
  8. I would suggest going to a sporting goods store or a marine dealer that has them both on display a taking a look at each. You'll want to ask for a demo of both so you can see the unique features of both. They are pretty close to the same unit just from different companies, but some of the features might appeal more to you than someone else. Think about those that you think you'll use and those that you won't and then make the purchase that makes sense to you.
  9. I don't own one yet, but I think they're a pretty sweet reel. The added IPT with the higher gear ratio will make you a little more efficient on those pitches that are unproductive. If I were you I'd give Tackle Warehouse a call and see if you can try one out. I know they don't have it advertised on their site yet but I wouldn't doubt that they have one ready for their reel demo program. As far as the reel itself goes, it's built on the same Revo platform which is a pretty popular platform and reliable too. Depending on what I get for a tax return, I may have a review for you pretty soon. (fingers crossed)
  10. Just a heads up, that'll work for a while but if they get wet at all they'll generally start to peel or curl up. If you're looking for a way to label your boxes just use a sharpie. Write it on the inside of the compartments and it'll stay throughout the year if not longer. If you don't like your setup and want to change it, just use a little spit and little rub with your finger and it'll come off after a little bit.
  11. I started pretty early.....https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201534300471839&l=fd372aa502
  12. I've got an Exo and I really like it although the bearings seem a little loud compared to my other reels.
  13. I'd go full on Xtreme. St. Croix Legend Extreme paired up with a Revo MGXtreme that will be customized.
  14. It's really a bit of both. Do you need a different rod for every bait in your tackle box? Quite simply put no. There are certain techniques that work better with a technique specific rod but a lot of them can be taken care of with a few. There are advantages of having them for convenience. The main advantage is just not having to constantly switch baits all day.
  15. I haven't yet but from what I hear it's got the same performance, it just floats like most braids since it doesn't have the Gore.
  16. BPS Braid is made by Sufix they just don't put the gore fiber in it
  17. Usually goes in the tackle box right away unless I bought it as backup in which case it gets stored in it's package until use.
  18. I think it's more a thing of the past since drags have improved so much over the years. Even the cheaper spinning reels have pretty good drags these days. One thing to keep in mind though is to check it especially if it has been sitting since your last fishing trip. Spinning reels have more of a tendency to stick. The best remedy for this is to either loosen your drag a few clicks and then turn it right back; or you can actually turn the spool and that'll break it free. Either way check it before you make the first cast and you should be good for the rest of the day. (note on higher end reels you most likely won't have this problem. the lower end stuff I used to fish you would have to take above steps but the Revo Premiers I've got now went all year without needing that treatment and stayed perfect throughout.)
  19. very very true you have to train yourself to be mentally tough
  20. There's definitely more pressure and the feeling of being under the gun. Don't let it get to you or anything else for that matter. If you lose a good fish don't let it get you down and take you out of the game even for a few minutes. In a tournament time is limited so any time you aren't fishing at 100% you are wasting. Also, a jhoffman said never quit. There have been days where you might hardly catch a thing all day and then within 20 minutes of heading back in you catch 4 or 5. Another word of advice, don't chase other fishermen. People have a tendency to watch other anglers when they aren't catching and they start trying to copy someone they see catch a fish. Just stay confident and stick to what you think is going to catch them. A few other things to keep in mind; if something can go wrong it will go wrong in a tournament. Make sure you keep everything well maintained to minimize these occurrences. On that note, if you don't normally carry tools or extra fuses, wire, TM prop (and TM prop nut and sheer pins), etc. you need to get a kit together. Hopefully you never need it, but it sure can come in handy if you do. Make sure you pack plenty of water/Gatorade. You will be fishing during the hottest part of the day and you need to stay on your game all day long. You don't want your day to end early because of dehydration and the symptoms that come with it. For the year as a hole, set some goals for yourself. Make sure they're realistic and not something like coming out and winning every tournament. At the end of the year assess how you did and where you need to improve. Above all else though, remember you are still there to have fun so make it fun. If you're not catching fish don't be a grump in the boat and make it miserable for one another. Best of luck to you and your partner! Keep us informed on how you do!
  21. Welcome to BR Jason
  22. water column to me means the vertical column of water that spans from the surface to lake bottom located in any one spot. Where the fish are located in it will depend on many factors. Other than that, it's nothing more than a term to me.
  23. Welcome to BR
  24. Give it a shot, you'll know within a few fish if it's enough. If not you're only out a jig.
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