Both of you guys have your terms mixed up. There are two ratings on rods, the first is power and the second is action. Power describes the strength or backbone of the rod, or how much pressure it takes to flex a rod. Rod action describes the taper of a rod and thus where it flexes. For instance a a moderate action rod starts tapering deeper into the blank and with flex further down into the blank most of the time down to the middle. An extra fast action rod will only taper towards the tip, usually in the first 6 inches or so.
Back to froggin' given the heavy slop you fish them in and the big hooks they have on them you usually want at least a medium heavy power rod and that's considered a little light, but you can do it with those. Quite honestly a heavy power rod is a better option. It will give you enough power to drive those two big hooks home on a bass and get them turned to hopefully bring them up onto the slop. Sometimes even with a big rod you won't get them turned quick enough an you'll just have to go get them. As far as action goes, you generally want a fast action in a froggin' rod. An extra fast action rod doesn't usually offer enough tip to get good distances on a cast, and a lot of times will limit you hookup percentage. In comparison, a moderate action flexes down into the blank so far that a lot of times you won't get as much power into your hook set as you need. Overall, a heavy power fast action rod will put more fish into your boat.
A 7.1 or higher gear ratio will help you to pick up slack when froggin' if you're fishing it real shallow a lot of times the fish will hit an run away from the bank or in other words right back at you. A high gear ratio will help you pick up that slack that they creates. Also, the faster retrieve will help you to bring in a bait in quicker if you miss a fish and the bait comes flying back at you. It allows you to reel up quick and fire another cast right back in there.
Lastly, you need to be fishing a frog with braided line. It's no stretch qualities will help with your hookset, and braid will also slice through vegetation.