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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. Did that once with the line wrapped around my t-shirt wrapped hand. Cut through the t-shirt and then my hand :/
  2. That's an awesome video!
  3. I like a lot of the pro's. They're awesome guys and great human beings. My all time favorite has to be Jimmy Houston though. Great guy with an amazing personality and he has such a positive outlook on everything!
  4. I use them for pretty much everything. There's just times you need to remind yourself to slow down with them, but that's about it.
  5. Really cool in super clear water, complete waste of money if it's stained.
  6. It's you vs the fish all the way. Yes you can set other goals but I suggest setting attainable ones. Realistically you aren't going to win every tournament so don't make that a goal. However, with that said you need to come out with the confidence and intention to win every time you fish one. Like WW2 said you need to put blinders on to what others are doing and don't listen to dock talk as about 90% of it is total bs. It's always you vs the fish though. One of your goals should be to bring in a limit in every tournament you fish. If you do that, you're putting yourself in contention every time.
  7. Haha debate ended! The locator is going to help you find the fish while you're on the water. The gopro is really cool and will help you learn from your mistakes and improve your technique. Both are great investments! If there's anyone else in your position though, buy the locator first then save for the camera.
  8. I'd go with a St. Croix Mojo Bass.
  9. With square bills, you're not going to lose too many given they only run about 3 feet deep. They are pretty resistant to hang ups to begin with, but it will happen. When it does just go get it with a plug knocker or lure retriever. For a rattle type bait get them some Cotton Cordell Hot Spots. They're a very time tested design and they still catch fish. For right around $3 a bait it's not as big of a deal if they lose a few. I think they might also be on sale at BPS for under $2 during the spring fishing classic so you could load up.
  10. When I first started fishing and only had a few rods I used them all the time. Now that I have more, I tie everything direct. If you do use them you still have to check your line and retie accordingly, but it makes it quicker if you're running through a bunch of different baits. A word of warning though, if you do use them stay away from the really cheap ones. The collars have a tendency to slide and they can open up on you. I'd suggest the wire style ones that sort of interlock. I'd say give them a try and see what you think. I don't think they're as bad as the rep they are getting on here.
  11. I'd suggest St. Croix as the brand to go with. They make some absolutely amazing rods! For length it varies. If your looking for a square bill rod it's going to be different than if your looking at one for deep divers. If you're looking for the best all around crankbait rod I'd suggest one from 6'6" to about 7'4" any longer than that and you're probably going to find it harder to cast accurately with something like a squarebill where you really want to put that bait on a dime. If I was picking one for all around I'd probably go with a 7' MH/M
  12. Does this mean you wouldn't want to catch the world record then either?
  13. The kill switch will depend on what brand of motor you have and the year. If you can snap a pic of what your kill switch looks like that would be helpful.
  14. You don't need to worry about the which is the strongest. What you do need to be concerned about is the gear that you put it on. Make sure the drag is set right and your rod will help to absorb quick bursts.
  15. A big cooler would be a decent option along with a kit like slonezp suggested that just recirculates. Otherwise, I've seen them made out of a big Rubbermaid container (the kind you'd buy for home storage) as well.
  16. They will have more resistance than something like a worm or jig but they shouldn't be hard to reel in regardless of what reel you throw them on.
  17. I use straight 6 lb fluoro on my wacky setup
  18. I think it's more of a personal opinion as far as the reels go. I use 7.1 for just about everything and I don't have any issues with it. If you feel you can slow down enough I say go for it. If not then go with something slower.
  19. You have to check your local laws to see if they count if not worn, because that changes from state to state. As far as what to get, I wouldn't get a manual one. If you fall out you have to grab it to make it inflate which isn't the ideal situation. There are two different types of automatic inflatables. The cheaper ones inflate when a water degradable bobbin gets wet and dissolves. They're good as long as they don't get wet, but if they're exposed to heavy rain or moisture they can go off. They won't always, but it's possible. The other type uses hydro-static pressure to trigger the inflation. That means it actually has to be submerged under water before it will go off. Rain and splashes won't effect these, however the drawback is that the recharge kits are about twice what the non hydro-static ones cost.
  20. GPS is ALWAYS worth it!
  21. Two piece rods have gotten much better over the years. The difference these days is very minimal. That said, I'd still rather have a one piece. If I were you, I'd go with the Premier.
  22. Took a look at them when I saw something a mention of them on ***. IMHO I think they're kind of a gimmick. I could be wrong though.
  23. I really like the Big Bite Baits Cane Thumper in the bigger size. You can fish it and rig it many different ways, but my favorite is with a 4/0 BPS vertical drop hook. It fits the bait perfectly. I really like using this setup in water less than about 5 feet deep. As for when to use them, I'd suggest any time the water is wet.
  24. I really like my 7' H/F St. Croix Mojo for froggin'. It's got a ton of power and a good fast tip that really lets you drive those big hooks home. When looking for a froggin' stick, the biggest factors should be how it feels in your hand, the power, and the action. Sensitivity really doesn't matter because it's a visual bite. I will say though that you still get sensitivity with the Mojos which is an added bonus because even though you want it as a dedicated frog rod there will come a time you need an extra set up and with the Mojo you can do that.
  25. I've got a few 6' rods that I use for close quarter stuff as well as top waters. I know they're short by today's standards but I still like them. They help with casting accuracy as well.
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