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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. They aren't bad boats at all. I haven't fished out of a R61 before, but I have an older 320V which is also a 16 footer and I can't say enough good things about the Ranger hulls. They're very solid and very stable little boats and from the sounds of it, it'll fit your needs pretty well.
  2. Not quite sure how you figure it'd use less power than a cable steer. The motor themselves are identical and draw the same amount of power, plus it has to run the electric steering motor which even if it's a very little draw, it's still more than a cable steer. Also, it has to run the electronics for auto pilot. All of that may even be fairly negligible, but to say it uses less power just doesn't make logical sense.
  3. Went to all three sites, typed in "3700" in the search box and was given results. Cabela's gave me a pack option so I refined my search and typed in "Plano 3700" and that completed the trifecta of finding them on all three sites.
  4. I'll pull out 4 rods in this situation usually: Drop shot with a Berkley Bottom Hopper Jr. Spinnerbait with a 1/4 oz terminator Square Bill Xcalibur XCS 100 Wacky Rig 4 1/2" Yum Dinger
  5. They actually retrieve really easily for an absolutely gigantic bait!
  6. Stick worms have become one of the hottest techniques in fishing quite simply because they work!
  7. 4th topic pinned at the top of this section: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/12401-senko-faq
  8. The DT's used to come in what they called the Sure Set series featuring both front and rear sure set trebles. They decided to go down to just one treble, I'm assuming because the baits would be slightly more prone to hanging up with one on the front as well. This year they just have normal treble hooks. The sure set hook will not throw off the action at all and I actually really like having them on there. I've caught some fish I know I wouldn't have had I been using regular hooks.
  9. Lucky dog! Good luck!
  10. I look at them every now and again, but it really doesn't matter what it says I'm still going fishing. I won't let that dictate a trip or anything like that. I do however try to make a mental note of when the major and minor feeding periods are and try to be on a spot with the most potential during those times.
  11. I'd give a lipless crankbait or jerkbait a try.
  12. I would say the two biggest innovations would be: The advancements in sonar technology and The internet. The internet has opened up to endless amounts of information and also has made it available to us at lightning speed. A great example would be the Oakley Big Bass Tournament on Grand Lake this summer. I've used the Navionics web app and have already eliminated a ton of water. I can check current water levels, fishing reports, can contact people on bassresource.com that are from around there to learn more information. If the internet wasn't around and with me living in northern Wisconsin, I wouldn't even be aware that this tournament was happening let alone any of the other information. It's an amazing tool that we've come to take for granted these days.
  13. Smithwick Rogues are good. I also like the Bass Pro XPS suspending jerkbait in the bigger size.
  14. That'll make you a happy camper!
  15. Congrats on your purchases guys! I've used both Humminbird and Lowrance and there is no doubt, they're both great units. Both are easy to run and they definitely help you break down water quickly!
  16. If your cables are ok and there isn't enough resistance for you on your steering there is this option : http://www.trollperfect.com/Pages/default.aspx I haven't used one but they get pretty good reviews. The 6th speed is an off position. I know the older ones used to have a stop sign shape, where the newer ones had a symbol like the one you described. Those big knobs control your break away tension. It's so if you hit something with your tm it will swing up and hopefully over it instead of just bending the shaft. Those brackets are slightly temperamental given that it doesn't take much of a turn from the break away to go from loose to pretty tight. You don't want it set too loose otherwise your TM will be swinging in and out Try to set it up so it takes about the same pressure to make the tm break away as the power that it puts out. That way when you do hit something you can turn your tm on high, point it in the opposite direction that it folds under, kick it on high, and it'll return to normal running position. (hopefully that made sense)
  17. I'd go with a Trokar either a the TK130 (straight shank flippin') or a TK120 (Magworm). Either will work, it just depends on if you want a straight shank or a EWG hook. Either way, both of those hooks are super super sticky and will help you catch a few that you wouldn't normally. As far as a bait, I'd recommend a Big Bite Baits Fighting Frog. It's a very versatile creature bait with a unique profile and action that I don't think bass see TONS of. Otherwise, the D Bomb or Craw Fatty are decent other choices as well as many many more out there.
  18. I like the Nike running shoes. There are other brands that make the same style of shoes obviously, I just Nike's are just better though. They're comfortable, breathable, and durable. A lot of their running shoes in the $75-100 range have a lot of mesh type materials that will dry very quickly when wet. Also, there are shoes in that price range with a memory foam type insole so you may not even need to use your inserts in them.
  19. I'd say my average is about 1 ever 20-30 minutes in the summer months. Time of year and lake will effect that though. In the early spring and late fall/winter numbers in my area drop significantly and then drop again when the lakes freeze over. I can cast all day long and I just can't get those darn bass to come up and bust through the ice to get it haha. Numbers will change based on what lake your fishing though and population numbers. For example, there's two lakes close to my house that are roughly 1/2 mile apart. One of the lakes I tried fishing last year and went for about 3 1/2 - 4 hours and caught 48 bass. On a slow day there you can expect to catch a fish every 10-15 minutes. The lake that's 1/2 mile away from it you'd be having a really good day if you caught 5 in an 8 hour day. A lot of times if you're fishing there, you're fishing for 2 or 3 fish.
  20. Given that you're pretty close to the line ratings, I wouldn't worry about it. The lure weight rating on a rod is more important.
  21. Take a look at the clevis itself. I'm guessing the one on there is a little out of shape. If the "C" shape of it is opened up too far or in too tight it will cause it to rub and not spin correctly. Try adjusting it with some needle nose. If that doesn't work, contact customer service. I'm sure they'll swap it out for you.
  22. Don't bother, just go get yourself some Trokars. They're sharper out of the package than you'll ever be able to get any other hook.
  23. Booyah Pad Crasher hands down
  24. I've got 9-10 ready to go in the boat usually, but I'll usually pull out 5-6 at a time depending on the day and where I'm fishing.
  25. I've been staring at an ice covered lake since November and it'll most likely be that way until about mid way through April unless it warms up a little quicker. So yeah.....it'll be a while.
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