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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. x3 on the posts above. Even if your swapping the reel to put on a musky rod that reel isn't going to be big enough. You're going to need to invest in something a bit beefier if you plan on fishing for them much. Most use baitcasters for them too for what it's worth.
  2. You can do this out of the water, you just have to take into consideration that the rpm are going to drop with the added back pressure so you will have to set it higher out of the water than when it's in. I don't remember if those have an idle set screw like the carbureted motors do. If it does it'll be pretty evident as it's a screw that adjusts how far the throttle can go back on the side of the engine. Engine RPM should be close to 1000 in neutral. The clunk you here is normal though, although in your case probably a little more severe. If you can't figure it out yourself, or you doubt your knowledge be safe and take it to a dealer.
  3. Am I the only one hoping this guy gets stuck with three consecutive 6's and no fives?
  4. Never be embarrassed to fish with what you have! The important thing is that you get out there and give it your best shot.
  5. x2 I had enough of that so I broke down and bought some bibs this year.
  6. I use the Palomar knot with all my frogs including the Live Target ones I have. You can get them to walk just fine. Just remember braid has very little stretch and you're using a long rod as well. Don't get over zealous when you twitch it. Another thing to watch is when you twitch your rod tip be sure to move it right back at the bait giving it slack to allow the bait to swing. Just practice a little more and I'm sure you'll get the hang of it!
  7. I usually use them this way: Gold/Black - Stained water as well low light conditions in clear water Chrome/Purple- Stained water bright to low light Chrome/Black - Clear water with clouds and or wind Chrome/Blue - Clear and sunny There are times when crossing over works well though too.
  8. Zara Spook, Pop-R, and the almighty Booyah Pad Crasher. Those three will have you covered in most situations.
  9. If one of the marshals jumped up and started celebrating it'd be like a ref celebrating at the end of a basketball game when someone hits a buzzer beater. They're doing their jobs, their refs they're supposed to remain subjective.
  10. If you're worried about that, then by no means let your bait hit the water! That loud noise will chase everything in the lake away. I think your over thinking things a little.
  11. I agree with aavery2 but I'd use a little less backing and more braid. The reason being that when you cut off and retie you use line obviously, but since braid lasts so long, you can actually pull it off the reel and reverse it when the one end fades out. If you only have 50 yards on it you probably won't have enough line left to do that with.
  12. Depending on the boat though they can be really close to the same weight.
  13. The BPS Crappie Maxx would work I think. They're only $45 and built on a smaller platform.
  14. For under $100 I'd say the BP Pro Qualifier.
  15. I haven't had any problems with the abrasion resistance at all.
  16. Triene XL for spinning reels, and Trilene XT for baitcasters.
  17. I'd probably go with a 6'6" M/F for what your looking to throw with it. I'd check out the St. Croix Premier while you're on your search.
  18. There isn't an industry standard for rod powers, so one brands ML can be the equivalent to another brands M. So you'd be correct in saying that it may fish more like other brands M power rods.
  19. Rapala DT-10's are good as well as Bomber Fat Free Fingerlings (BD5).
  20. I'd find something I have that's similar, and with the extensive collection I have, I wouldn't have to look far haha. In general I never get the itch to switch if I'm catching. If it ain't broke don't fix it! The only time I would is if I was catching nothing but dinks. Usually I'd change areas first before changing what I'm doing when it's working.
  21. I've got my gear organized similar to the way you do. When I'm fishing in someone else's boat, I have a decent sized tackle bag that will hold 5 3700 size boxes with pockets on the sides. Based on the time of year and who I'm fishing with, I can narrow down my selection of baits pretty quick. I keep it to about 3 different trays, and then I have two extra boxes that I use as day boxes. I'll pick and choose baits from my other boxes that I'm not taking that would be beneficial to have. This way I can still tailor my selection for that given day and not feel like I left anything out.
  22. I think it ranks a close second to cotton wood fluff as one of the worst things in fishing!
  23. I'm with Rambler, I really don't think they work and look stupid. They also tend to fall off for no reason.
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