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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. If you don't put railing on it it wouldn't make for a bad fishing boat. They handle water well and are very stable, however once you add railing they become kites in the wind.
  2. Best bass fishing day is every time I go out!
  3. Clearly slonezp is showing off his angling skills...anyone can hook into a monster, but it takes true talent to catch something that small. First you've got to coax it to actually hit which in perspective would be like convincing a human to try to attack a 4' hamburger. Then you've got the challenge of getting the hook to actually fit in it's mouth which isn't easy. Finally, you've got to be able to realize you've hooked into such a monster which depending on the technique can be pretty darn difficult. Congrats on being such a master angler lol
  4. Although it's not perfect for the situation it'll get you by. As stated before, you might want to look into a brake upgrade, but other than that you'll be fine. Don't expect great gas mileage, but don't be worried about engineers comments about it dropping. That's normal for any gas engine when pulling any weight.
  5. In between trips everything of mine stays in the boat. Storing it for winter though is when it all gets pulled out.
  6. I'd say go for it, they're pretty sweet little boats!
  7. My rods range from 6' to 7'6" with my preference for most techniques being in the 6'6" to 7' range.
  8. If that was my budget, I'd probably go with a Berkley Lightning Rod.
  9. I used to use snap swivels all the time but much of the water I fish is shallow and grassy and they would grab onto more grass so I started tying direct. I still use them on the rods I have for my clients. If you use them, don't go the cheap rout as it will end in heartbreak. I use the Bass Pro ball bearing fast-lock snaps. Have yet to have one fail.
  10. They are worth the money for sure!
  11. I believe I still have an old undulator as well as a vampire spinnerbait. I might have to pull the old undulator out and give it a try again. The Vampire will continue to stay at home though lol.
  12. Both of these work. Put in all storage's and on the decks. If you have a cover, keep it covered too.
  13. "Enough" and "too much" are things the bait monkey not only doesn't understand, but also despises! I'm thinking I could have a whole house full of gear and i wouldn't have "enough" lol. I tend to use most of what I have at one time or another at least as far as hard baits go....soft plastics, well that's another story. I have package upon package of them a lot that I use, but so many are just waiting for the opportunity to get out there and show me what they can do.
  14. You catch more from a boat no question about it.
  15. Still have the rod and reel, but unfortunately lost the bait.
  16. My pick would be the fast action
  17. I'd be guessing it's the cables. Check it as Way2slow said to find out for sure.
  18. You need to focus less on the specific brand and color of a bait and listen more to the advice being given. Try something "different" than what you've been doing to get the blow-ups initially. They may want it moving faster or slower. That given day they may want it looking more like what they are feeding on or different than what they've been feeding on. That might be changing colors in the same bait. It might mean up sizing or down sizing. They may want a completely different profile. They might not even want a bait right on the surface. Color is dependent on location, forage, water clarity, and lighting conditions. There's no magic bait that is going to work in this situation every time so nobody can tell you to go buy this bait off the shelf and whenever they bat at a foxy shad spook you can pick up and it'll work every time. Take the advice given and try to figure out the puzzle for that day. It's part of the challenge of fishing that we all love. Start with something similar but different. Make subtle changes first and then progressively move out from there until you find what works.
  19. best answer
  20. The power of rod you get depends largely on what you throw (lure type and weight). If you give us a better insight as to what you do, we can better help you.
  21. You should do what you have confidence in. If you feel a leader would be advantageous go ahead and use one. If you feel you are doing just fine without them then there's no reason to start using them. Some people here are going to swear for them and some against them. Either way will work and you having confidence in what you do will give you the best result.
  22. The power drive has a switch on the bottom right to pick from constant or momentary. In momentary the bottom of the foot pad acts as the momentary switch. The top part is tilted either left or right to seer.
  23. I tie the Palomar for virtually everything. It hasn't let me down so I don't see a reason to switch. Another knot that's very strong is the Jimmy Houston knot. It's advertised as a true 100% knot where 100% of the time the line will break before the knot.
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