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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. I've got both the new Xtreme and the older one with the cork grips. Absolutely love them both, they're amazing sticks. I don't have a problem with either handle or the reel seats. I've also got a couple LTB's that have the same reel seat as the Xtremes and I find them very comfortable too. The handle of the new Xtremes is not the same as the one put on the Rage. In the end the choice is up to you. The Legend Elite is the more traditional version of the Xtreme made in more traditional lengths and actions, but it's built on the same blank. I would highly recommend an Xtreme though since it's an absolute dream to fish with.
  2. Palomar for everything.
  3. I'm really hating the fact that the nearest Dick's is 2.5 hours from me.
  4. Bilge pumps and aerators can be a pain to replace. As stated here though be sure to check fuses and wiring first. Once you're sure it's the pump, remove the hose clamps and pull the hoses off, clip the wires and then reverse the process on the new one. The hardest part of the job will be reaching it.
  5. Nice work!
  6. Honestly, I don't see anything being any different than it already is other than you may be able to order these boats at BPS. It's been stated that all companies will continue to operate on their own as they currently are in their present facilities. I don't see Rangers being pulled from Cabela's or anything like that because for every one they sell BPS makes money anyway so the more they sell the better. Obviously this is only speculation since I'm not in Johnny Morris's head, but I don't think there will be a lot of changes unless one of the companies starts losing money.
  7. If you're happy with your boat, I'd suggest you to keep it.
  8. From the sounds of it, all the companies will continue to operate as they are now. I would think they would all be available to order at Bass Pro now though.
  9. I would look into a travel rod instead.
  10. 12# Fluoro seems to do the trick for me.
  11. Pretty much. I used to use them all the time as a little kid, but now I just take my chances since the cheap leaders I was buying started breaking before my line despite being rated at twice the strength and new. lol
  12. Gotta love a topwater bite from a northern. Unfortunately a lot of them end with line just flying back at you as they have razor sharp teeth.
  13. I've never had a problem with mine coming off when fishing with my dad. He does have a console in front of the rod ramp though so I'm thinking that might help. I leave them on when trailering as well and have had them slide up slightly but not close to losing them.
  14. Interesting info. I really like my touch screen, it seems to make navigation so much easier.
  15. Jig Man I find it hard to believe that you can't find a pair of gloves. You managed to find this site on the good old world wide web and there are literally hundreds if not thousands of retailers on here where you could purchase such gloves. http://www.basspro.com/RedHead-Jersey-Grip-Dot-Gloves/product/1211160522244/ To answer OP question, the only reason to buy a non-touch unit would be to save money if you had no interest in side scan or down scan. If you do then the touch is a better option. It provides better plug and play capability. During the colder months, you can use the shortcut to switch between your favorite screens without having to use the touch screen.
  16. I've got the 7'2" LTB M/M for my squarebills. I run 12# Berkley 100% Fluorocarbon all the time. 10# would be fine too.
  17. It should be fine to do what you're thinking. In the 80's, before on-board chargers were out there, Ranger had a system like this. They had an extra tm plug that you could wire to your charger so you could just plug it in up front like you would be able to with yours.
  18. They are decent boats. For what you're needing it for it wouldn't be bad option. They might sit a little deeper in the water than a modified v but not a whole lot. They can still fish skinny water well.
  19. For those techniques, I'd probably go with a MH/F.
  20. Welcome to the forum!
  21. The only things I can think of for adding distance would be a longer rod and lighter line. #4 is pretty small already but braid is lighter than mono or fluoro so I'd probably a very small braid.
  22. Berkley Trilene XT is a good option.
  23. There is a sucker born every minute, but you don't have to be one of them. I think that price is on the high side especially for the year. Unfortunately, the reason prices are so high is because the price of new has went through the roof. A new 25 hp 4 stroke list price is $4,705. Now I'm sure you can get them cheaper than that as it's just suggested list, but you're still looking at over 3 grand for new. The price of boats has followed too. If you're looking at matching that motor to a new 16' jon boat or 14' v-hull and trailer you're going to be spending between $7,000 - $10,000. That is priced without electronics, battery, gas tank or lines, or frills of any kind. People with used stuff when looking to sell check out the price of new and price and figure if a new one is worth that much then theirs has to be worth more than what most of us think is reasonable.
  24. St. Croix Legend Xtreme 6'6" M/F paired with a Quantum Exo at the moment.
  25. Sorry to hear the bad news, I'll pray for a speedy recovery for you.
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