Nope not saying that at all, because that was one of the few I've seen (non fuel injected) that wasn't a pain in the rear end to get started. I've got a friend who's got a 25 Merc from the late 90's they bought new and from day one they have to choke and fast idle it and crank like crazy at EVERY start warm or not. Another friend of mine has a 2005 50 hp Mercury that is a pain to get started the first time every trip and can be fussy when warm as well. A guy in our bass club has a 150 that's in the early 2000's that he has to choke & fast idle and crank for a least a minute of actual cranking time if not more to get it going every morning. I'm sure there are plenty of people who have no problems with them, or their starting, but I'm not a fan. Coincidentally, the Mercury of mine that started so well was tearing itself apart from the inside out. Every so often metal shavings would melt on one of the spark plugs killing once cylinder completely.