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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. I did for two years, but it seems like I spent a lot of times writing things down and fighting with the papers in the wind. I tried finding an app to make it easier, but the ones I tried didn't give me enough detail, or at least what I was looking for.
  2. That stuff looks like cane pole water!
  3. You shouldn't have too many issues. I've been running 6# FC on a Revo Premier 30 and haven't had any issues with it.
  4. x2 on what jco said. I've got a gen 2 touch and have no issues losing bottom contact with the external transducer into the low 50's. Obviously a Gambler is going to be running faster than that. I would probably run one through the hull though. I tried a quick google search to find out what your transom looks like, but there aren't very good pics so if you up load a few here, we might be able to find you a good spot for you lss-2.
  5. I think it's probably a little high, I'd be looking to get it somewhere in the low 6's, but then again the market down by you might be a little different than up here.
  6. I've used 7.1:1 for the last few years. I don't crank anything super deep, with 15-16 feet being towards my max, but I see no problem with using a 7.1:1. It doesn't mess with the baits action, and I haven't been worn out from throwing them yet.
  7. I'm on my second Jeep Grand Cherokee. My first one was a 99 with the 4.7 V8 and that did a decent job towing, but I just bought a 2005 with the 5.7 Hemi and it's got plenty of power to spare. I hardly even know my boat is on there, other than slowing down. Take that part with a grain of salt at the moment though, because when I bought it I knew the brakes were just about done. I'll be replacing them tonight after work, so I'm expecting to see a pretty good improvement there as well.
  8. The KVD braid cutters you can get at walmart work well for about a year. Also, had good luck with the Rapala needle nose pliers with carbide inserts until they went missing. I had those for a few years though and they worked just as well as they had when new.
  9. x2 on the fuel. Also, when is the last time you changed the plugs? Do you run any fuel stabilizer in it? Are the plugs gapped correctly?
  10. I would look at the water temp sensor first. I'm not sure where it's located on those, but being that you just replaced the plugs, you or the cover could have inadvertently pulled a wire loose.
  11. Probably not......https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=new+15+hp+outboard+price&tbm=shop That's without the steering conversion, and controls. Granted you might be able to get one slightly cheaper at the dealer, but not enough to bring the package deal in at under $2,000.
  12. It depends on how much I know about the lake going, the time of year, and how diverse the lake is. It could be anywhere from a few bags of soft plastics, hooks, and weights to a full tackle bag with a few extra binders of soft plastics.
  13. WIGuide


    Welcome to the forum! Although walleye and northerns are popular fish there, MN actually has some really good bass fishing. The Mississippi has some great bass fishing, and you guys have about a bazillion lakes over there to fish. Go find one and get on it!
  14. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you might want to check your scale. A 21" largemouth would have to have roughly a 23" girth to be 10 lbs, which is WAY outside the norm. Here's a fairly accurate way of estimating the weight of your fish by length only https://tpwd.texas.gov/fishboat/fish/recreational/catchrelease/bass_length_weight.phtml Also here's a calculator that you can enter length and girth and get an accurate weight http://www.bassresource.com/bassfishing/fishcalculator.html Very nice catch though, and definitely a fish to be proud of!
  15. I believe they may be updating them as well as a few other rod models for upcoming icast. If you're close enough to get up to their factory in Park Falls, WI you can probably get an even better deal on a rage. I think they were $99 a piece or 2 for $120 last time I was up there. They may not have that deal anymore, but it's possible.
  16. I'm in the same boat as JB. If you can afford the bigger one go for that. It's bigger and newer. You'll have more storage, will handle better in rough water, and get you there and back a whole lot faster than the other boat.
  17. Looks great! Just as good as the ones you can buy!
  18. Definitely not done! I think your relative is a fair weather fisherman.
  19. 482's were a nice boat. As long as it's in good shape and being sold at a decent price it'd be a solid purchase.
  20. If everything was good on it, that's a pretty decent price. $3500 would be better, but if you're looking to keep it I'd go for it.
  21. It's metal, get it welded. You don't need specs on the whole cross member. If nothing else, they can cut out part of the section or the whole thing and weld in a new one.
  22. Not sure how I feel about it. I love bass fishing, but if they're invasive to the area then maybe they should be removed. Like blue said though, it's going to be an uphill battle to do that.
  23. What about it?
  24. I wouldn't worry about them getting whipped around. You put way more torque on them on every cast, every hook set, and every fish than you do from them getting blown around a bit. I do think if they bounce against something it can do damage though.
  25. I'm not sure if you're really looking for an ultra-light. You don't want it to be whippy, but the power or lack there of, is going to make it whippy. You might be looking more for a light action rod. Otherwise a St. Croix Panfish Series rod might be what you're looking for, but I'm not sure if that's in your price range.
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