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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. When I throw a frog about 90% of the time I'm throwing a walking frog and 10% of the time I'll be throwing a popping one. For me, water clarity and amount of wind decides what I'm going to throw. If I feel the fish need more comotion to find it, I'll throw the popper otherwise I'll be walking one. As blue stated, the Popping Pad Crasher can do either, or with a little practice can do both at the same time.
  2. You can make it work. We did on my dad's Ranger 519. I would have put mine there on my Sport R70 but the bottom of the set back is cupped so it wouldn't allow the sonar beams to shoot straight to the side. Depending on what transducer it has, you can make it work. If you have a Lowrance, you can just take the bracket off and mount the transducer right to the boat.
  3. Same thing happened around here probably 6 or 7 years ago. The station was 99.9 The Carp and they'd always do these funny skits during commercial breaks. Well I turned it on one day in the middle of summer and there was Christmas music playing figured it was a skit so I changed it to a different station and flipped it back about 5 minutes later and still Christmas music. Monday morning BOB FM was born, a computer run mix station that there's already a bunch of around here. There was an uproar in the Chippewa Valley. There were talks of people boycotting any business that advertised on that station. It took a while but they finally transitioned one of their classic rock stations into more modern rock, but the Carp is still missed. I feel your pain man!
  4. If memory serves me correctly it will be on the left side if facing from the rear. Look on the motor side of the tilt bracket. If I'm wrong, I'm sure way2slow will be along shortly to tell you the definitive answer.
  5. The Mojo Bass line is not being discontinued. They are discontinuing the Rage series and the Mojo's are getting a redesign with an upgraded blank and I believe components as well.
  6. I don't think the new motors are the ones that have an issue with it, but go to the boat ramp and see how many newer boats are there. Maybe in your area there's lots, but around me it might be 1 in 10 at best. There's a lot of old outboards still in service and those are the ones that will generally have the problems.
  7. Glad to hear you're getting better! Get better and then get back to fishing!
  8. As someone who had to deal with fuel lines falling apart from the inside out due to ethanol, I'd rather not go through that again. Also in ethanol free gas, you don't need to use anything to stabilize it because it doesn't break down nearly as quick. Personally I'd rather run ethanol free and I do unless absolutely necessary not to.
  9. Yep red stripe with the more slanted and spaced letters.
  10. If you fish in any wind, I think you'll get fed up in a hurry. I used to have a 2 man pvc bass boat and I had a 28 lb thrust on there. There were times when the wind picked up and I couldn't do anything so on a 17 1/2' it's going to struggle to say the least. Your old tm is most likely toast. If it's a 43, it's probably not worth taking it in to have it worked on unless you can do it yourself.
  11. Early 70's most likely. It's been re-striped with late 80's early 90's stickers so it doesn't look identical, but from the badge on the front you can tell it's old.
  12. My dad snapped one off in a tournament on a hookset, re-rigged quickly, and threw back to the same spot. Brought in a keeper with his other worm still in it's mouth.
  13. Berkley 100% Fluorocarbon XL is great on spinning reels. It does seem to have a bit more stretch, but that was in 6 lb test. I was really impressed with the lack of memory in it.
  14. I had the same issue with some smaller boxes I've tried. I used to take airline tubing for aquariums (you can get in the pet section at walmart) and I'd make a slice in one side of it. I'd slip that over the top of all the dividers in the box and put a few dabs of super glue to hold them down. It filled the void almost perfectly. Since then, my collection has grown and I needed more room so now I have 2 Plano 3701 boxes and I haven't needed to do anything with those. Might be worth checking out.
  15. I might have to give that a shot. Nice northern for sure. I still doubt I'll do it with a sinking worm though.
  16. Usually if you have damaged gears in your lu you can hear them when you turn the prop, or at least in the ones I've seen anyway. As far as I know, pulling it out of gear shouldn't do anything as it's not locking anything up, but allowing it to spin freely as water passes by. Hopefully everything checks out though.
  17. As someone who fishes in toothy fish infested waters, learn to live with it and move on. I've tried wire leaders and have actually lost less fish without them. I tried Toothy Critter Wire and Not2Kinky (looked promising) also had that break after a few hours of use. Fluorocarbon does best as it's more resilient to abrasion than mono or braid, but that can be cut just as easily if raked across their teeth. Just stick with what you're using and know that you'll land some and some you won't.
  18. Pulling it out of gear shouldn't have done anything to it. Does your prop spin freely and without noise when out of the water?
  19. Cast it let it sink and ever so slightly shake it. slowly sweep the rod up and repeat. You can dead stick them too which is throwing it out there and letting it sit. I'm sure you could let them sink and rip them up really fast to try to create a reaction strike as well. Bill this is for sure at least the 3rd post I've seen from you in the past few days that has absolutely nothing to do with the subject or question the op is talking about in the least. You doing ok over there?
  20. If you're joining the club, check with the head of it first. A lot of them will get deals with certain companies or stores, and you may be able to save a few bucks that way. If I'd only be able to buy two rods, I'd probably get a medium heavy power rod with a fast action rod as a bait caster, and a medium power fast action spinning rod. As far as length goes, pick what feels comfortable to you and feels somewhat like an extension of your arm and not bulky or cumbersome.
  21. With current prices around here around the $85 mark. I hardly ever fill it though. I usually throw in $20-$30 and call it good for a few trips.
  22. Yeah...no I don't do this....and you were right, that is a weird question.
  23. The tourney I fished this last weekend you would have been put at a major disadvantage. It was on a chain of 8 lakes, which weren't enormous, but decent sized. Unfortunately the wind blew like crazy on Saturday with a good 20 mph sustained blow with gusts in the 30-40 range. Even the smaller, more protected lakes were pretty choppy, but to get to them you would have had to cross almost 2 miles of open water in the wide open bowl. Good luck crossing that in a little jon. Be sure you're strapped up with a life vest or two!
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