Pretty cool idea in theory, but I'm wondering how well it will work in reality. I could be wrong, but my whole reason for having 2 Power Poles instead of just 1 is when possible I'm using them to pick my boat position. If I put them down in a cross wind, the boat will stay in the same position instead of spinning downwind. If you use either the jog or drag detection, you're not going to be able to keep the same position since the trolling motor can only control the front of the boat so as it navigates back to where it was previously, the rear of the boat will drift and then anchor in a completely different position. I'm also curious which transducer does this operate off of to determine water depth. I would think it would network to the rear transducer so it's accurate to the depth by the poles, but if not, there's plenty of times I'll fish a steep drop where I'll move the rear on top of a ledge and put the poles down, but moving 5' ahead they wouldn't be able to touch anymore so if it pulls off the front one, it would end up using spot lock instead of dropping the poles. I'd have to see it in action as maybe they have already though of all this and can make it work great. Honestly though, I don't feel that it's that complicated to figure out which button to press.