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About RMcDuffee726

  • Birthday 07/26/1994

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Londonderry, New Hampshire
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
  • Other Interests
    Reading novels.

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  1. What's up gentlemen? Hope May has treated you well because it has treated me like S^&% so far lol. I must say that the fishing has gotten slightly better as we have moved deeper into May. The main pattern I am finding throughout all of my trips are that the fish seem to be located on or near rocks and boulders. My inclination would be to believe that rocks hold heat throughout the day and that attracts the bass to these locations? Not too sure though. I still haven't seen beds yet and the water temperatures are at 65F where I am fishing, so I imagine it is about that time. I plan on going out on Saturday and it looks like it is going to be cold and rainy out so I am not expecting the bite to be too great, but we will see! Here is the photo of one fish that I caught on my last trip. I didn't weigh her, but she was indeed pregnant. I imagine that she fell into the weight range of 5.5lb - 6lb. A good fish nonetheless.
  2. I know it is pressured, but it is a fairly large body of water too. I believe NH Fish and Game have it at 130 acres. I have never personally put too much time into it so I cannot say too much about it. I have no doubt that some of the guys within this forum have put some serious time on Robinson though. Does anyone have any information on Robinson Pond in Hudson NH?
  3. Very true, Nev! I did leave the locations of where I fished out of the screenshot, but I can tell you the first location which accounts for my first two log entries. Round Pond, Nashua NH. It was the only place that was unfrozen at the time. The third log entry is from Robinson Pond, Hudson NH. The last entry is a place that is close to my heart
  4. Happy Spring gentlemen! I was going to do a big write up with all the fishing that I have been doing and my results, but I opted for the lazy way out; I am going to just quickly post a screenshot of my log thus far for 2018. The fishing hasn't been too great, but I cannot complain!
  5. Alright Fellas, Can we please keep this thread alive? It seems as if it has been declining in the last month or so and it really sucks to see happen. Lets revive this b****. Anyways, I fished three times this weekend. Saturday (Manchester, NH) Weather: 73 Fahrenheit, Overcast, 7 MPH Southern wind The pond I fished was 54 acres with a maximum depth of 17' in the middle. The water was fairly clear and a cooling temperature of 68 Fahrenheit. I primarily was focusing on flats located near deep water. To be even more specific I was fishing a 6' flat that led into 13' of water. The flat also contained boat docks on it. I tried to start out with moving baits and didn't have much success (chatter bait, crank bait, spinnerbait and under-spin). I thought it was weird because there was a slight breeze of 7 MPH, which was moving the water around. Eventually I started to drag 1/8th Texas-Rigged senkos in the flat and that seemed to do the trick. I caught a few "ok" fish and called it a day. Sunday (Boscawen, NH) Weather: 74 Fahrenheit, Overcast, 10 MPH Southern Wind I fished a larger body of water coming in at 200 acres even. The maximum depth is 32'. The water at the pond was stained and a cool 65 Fahrenheit. I followed my previous days' pattern and targeted 6' weed flats near deep water. This pattern was key. Finding offshore weed beds ranging from 6' to 8' near deeper water is where I caught all my bass that day. Nicking the top of the weeds with a green pumpkin 3/8th chatter bait seemed to trigger the bites. The bass also seemed fairly aggressive. I was reeling in my line at a fair pace on a 7:1 and still would get wacked. I assume that they are slowly preparing for their winter transition. Monday (Southern NH) Weather: 71 Fahrenheit, Overcast, 0 MPH Wind Smaller body of water, high water temperature. 70 Fahrenheit. Today was a swim-bait only day. To bad I could not figure them out.. I caught one, two pound bass near the shore, and that was the only action for the day. I fished shallow and deep and couldn't catch sh*&. I guess that is the name of the game? Curious to see how everyone else is doing? Any good stories, tips & tricks etc. ? Hope everyone is having a strong end to their season and tight lines!
  6. Hello everyone! Sorry I have been absent from my own post (life stuff). Thank you for all the information as I truly appreciate it. I am going to go through all the information you have provided me and try to get on a nice Fall bite! Also, thanks for being such an awesome community for knowledge. You guys rock.
  7. Hello everyone, Fall is fast approaching. The temperatures at night are hitting high 40s to low 50s, and I imagine the water will begin to cool within the next month. Saying this, I need some serious information. I need the low-down on fall fishing here in New England. Last year I had relatively "okay" success, but I am looking to improve. Here are all my questions: What water temperature would dictate the transition for the bass to their fall patterns? What are the fall patterns for largemouth? What are some staple fall fishing baits that you would recommend? Also, what does it mean when a lake is "turning over" and what does that do to the bass? This should be a good start. Thanks to anyone who provides me some insight. I really appreciate it.
  8. Went out near Canterbury NH this AM. The air temperature was a low 62F, and the water temperature was 75F. The bank around the pond was a 15' drop-off into a barren wasteland. I had no luck up shallow. Couldn't seem to buy a bite on anything (chatterbait, swim jig, texas rig, etc.) Eventually, I found a weed bed sitting in 11' of water. I dragged a carolina rig with a big 10" throughout the weed bed and caught two fish. The larger fish was a 3lb. I tried this on similar locations I had found, but that did not prove to be successful. I seem to be in a bit of a slump. The only thing that will resolve that will be more time on the water. Just need to keep grindin'.
  9. I think I may try that tactic next. All the fish were hooked on the back treble as well, so I do not believe that they were trying to inhale the swim bait. I was looking for a big bite though, so that it why I did not switch too much with my approach to the situation. Thanks for the tip!
  10. Decided to fish a small 15 acre pond this morning. The morning was a cool 54F and there was little to no wind. Decided to try to find the steepest deep water drop off and fish it. I thought the might have gone a little deeper than usual. Found one that went from 5' to 14'. Fished the weed bed and pulled 4 fish off of it within 1 hour and 30 mins. All the fish came on Jackall Gantarel, "Dying Golden Shiner". After that the I found similar locations, but did not have luck. I am not sure what the fish wanted after that. The water was fairly stained too, maybe 1' of visibility; and the sun came out, which made fishing difficult. That didn't seem to be hugging cover either. Interested to see how they react with this cooler week coming up. Have a good week everyone.
  11. 5 largemouth out of the Nashua River today. Just out here grindin' in the summer sun. Hope everyone is doing well.
  12. Just gotta push through it. Today I had an 8 hour day with 2 bites...
  13. Fishing slow for everyone else too?
  14. Luckily, we had the tape measure on deck! They all came out to be 28" or slightly above. It was a fun day.
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