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Al Wolbach

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Everything posted by Al Wolbach

  1. I use a good quality wax like the Meguiars suggested above once or twice a year and Bassboat saver after each use................Al http://www.bassboatsaver.com/index.html
  2. I really don't think that speed is out of reach with proper set-up, at least you will gain some speed.
  3. These folks make factory seats for several high end boats. They aren't cheap but they are comfortable. They also have seats that have been ordered but not sold for whatever reason and these seats are available at discounted prices. You may want to check them out..............Al http://www.deanstop.com/oem.htm
  4. I agree, thanks Billybob for responding and the advice. I will start looking for a new location..............Al
  5. If you haven't changed the plugs in 3 years, that would be a good place to start..................Al
  6. Ga Bassman, glad Lowrance is working with you. Please let us know the results. I believe Lowrance would tell us in the installation manual if the antenna had to be mounted over 3 feet from the main unit. My lms332c is mounted indash and the antenna is beside the dash without any problems. Good luck with the new unit and keep us posted..................Al
  7. I spoke with a local MK repairman and was told the universal transducer has been causing problems with some sonar units. He suggest switching to the transducer supplied with the unit. He also felt confident this would fix the problem. I have a LMS332c mounted less than two feet from the antenna and have not had a problem in 3 years of operation. Billybob has stated this is a problem in past threads but has not responded to questions. I can not find any mention of this in the Lowrance installation manual. Possibably this could be a problem if you shorten the cable running to the antenna. Impedence matching? I did not shorten my cable. I am curious to the source of his info. Maybe he will respond to questions this time........................Al
  8. I fish hair jigs year round in 1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 oz sizes.I also supply hair jigs to half a dozen other tournament fishermen. They can be very productive................Al
  9. I have used Capt. Harry Simmons several times and would recommend him to anyone. You will have a good time..............Al
  10. I believe the recommended formula is: measure top of mounting area to water plus 18 inches............Al
  11. Have not heard the phrase " and a wake up" since I retired. Triggers a lot of memories. I wish you the very best, and thanks.......................Al
  12. I sent mine in on Dec. 12, 2007 and received it the first week in April. Almost 4 months. I e-mailed them in Feb and they told me they had been mailed. Good luck.............Al
  13. I have a 98 Champion 203dcx with a 225 Yamaha that I purchased new. I believe you will be very pleased with your purchase. My wife told me I could buy a new boat a while back but I really don't want to part with my 203. They are a little narrower than the newer models but they drive and handle better. I took a dealers 206 out for a days fishing. It fished a little better because it is wider but my 203 drives and rides a little better, IMO. I don't believe there is a better riding bassboat........Good luck with yours.......................Al
  14. I was told by the fishing manager at the BPS where I work that Pflueger has been making BPS reels for some time but Johnny Morris bought out Laker Tackle and will be making them in the future. I'm not stating this as fact, just repeating what I was told................Al
  15. As some of you know I work at BPS part-time. About two years ago we had a discussion about casting distance. Our fishing manager allowed us to play a little. We spooled every reel we had that sold in the $150-$250 price range with BPS excel line and took a MBR844c rod to the parking lot. We also took a calcutta tedc, which won the distance hands down, although not in this price range. Of the reels in the target price range Ardent was the longest casting buy a pretty good margin. I don't think we had received any revo's at the time. We tried to keep everything equal by using the same line, one rod, one practice plug, etc, but still totally unscientific. Doesn't prove a d**n thing, but sure was fun..............Al
  16. I don't think any 16'-18' boat will fish three people comfortably. Just depends on your idea of comfort. One of the fishing decks will have two people unless one person fishes from the cockpit area. A fish and ski usually has a walk thru type windsheild and small fishing decks fore and aft. These small decks would be difficult to fish two people from, but this type boat would have more room when underway. A bassboat would have more fishing room(larger decks) but would have less room when underway. Either is a trade off, only you can decide which is best for your needs. You can not have to much storage, period. As for boat brands, the only one you mentioned that I (personally) would avoid is the Nitro. They just don't have a good reputation and their resale value supports this comment. Good luck..........Al
  17. I would suggest you stop by the Bass Pro Shop at the Sevierville exit(exit 407) on I-40 and speak with the guys in the fishing department. They can help you with info on the area lakes and the trout fishing on the streams in the area. Trout fishing regulations can be confusing. If you are interested in trout fishing check with the fly shop in BPS.......Al
  18. Sounds like you need to change isolators. I changed mine three or four times over the years for the same reason as yours. Got tired of changing them and bolted mine with stainless bolts, nuts and washers. If you have access under your trolling motor this is easy to do, if not then the changing the isolators is easier. The isolators just drop in from the outside and expand to hold. Isolators are about $10 a set of 4 and are available at BPS, Cabelas or any Marine dealer............AL
  19. No, it's gold/off white and a little chrome. The boat has the origional steering cables that run from the steering wheel(up front) down both gunnels and back to the motor. It has pulleys at all four corners. The steering wheel has a drum that takes up the the cable. A pull/pull system. It's really cool, and works quite well..................AL
  20. I thought those were made by Norman, but I have not seen one in years. Yes they work, especially on schooling fish. When worked in front a topwater bait you can occasionally catch a double. I still have a few that I have had for years, did not know they were still available..............AL
  21. I have a 14' 1954 Feathercraft with 1955 35hp Johnson Seahorse(electric start). This boat belonged to my father until he died in 1956. Will pass to my sons upon my death..........AL
  22. Al, Pflueger makes a Trion baitcaster that is a 5.2:1. I bought it late last year for fishing spinnerbaits and I love it. I prefer it to my Revo. Thanks, I'll check it out. I had only checked the higher end reels.......AL
  23. 11lbs 7oz- Santee-Cooper
  24. I use deer tails to make my bass jigs. I tried it to dress trebles for some topwater baits and it killed the action of the topwaters. If you want to dress trebles with it I recommend you use very small amounts of hair. Feathers worked much better for me......................AL
  25. I have never done it but I would think everything would be ok if you flush the motor good and rinse everything with freshwater afterwards. My concern would be the trailor. A lot of unpainted areas that are hard to rinse and it can rust from the inside out..............Al
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