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About BassingWoman

  • Birthday 05/03/1960

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  1. WOW - OUCH! Glad it was taken out ok! Hope she won't have a scar there. Great that she goes out with you though.
  2. "El Salto" - I WOULD LOVE TO FISH IT - where a whole different meaning to 'fish on' happens with her #10+ HAWGS!!!!!!!!!
  3. bassaholic - SAN DIEGO HAS SOME GREAT BASS LAKES - San Vicente, Lake Hodges, Upper - Lower Otay......
  4. Hey Backlash - Maybe we can fish together one day. Now I am on a 'no fishin' restriction from my doc but when I'm ok - wanna go out - I am South of you. Pm me - and I'll tell you where....? Ok? BW
  5. I was born in WA, moved to Calif and lived there most of my life. Now I am back in WA and love it. GREAT FISHIN AND GREAT CLUB I AM IN - GLENN KNOWS !
  6. Hello - I bought an inexpensive 'rain suit' that is green from Cabela's. It's NOT breathable so make sure that you BUY something with polyproplene as I perspire so much in the pants that my other pants are very damp when I'm through.
  7. I will eat Salmon, Steelhead, Trout, Panfish but as far as BASS...I won't kill them. To me, they are a trophy to photo when caught, weigh it, then let it go. As others said - you never know if that one fish might grow up to be your states next record fish! Others want to eat all fish they get but I'll let MY Bass go.
  8. Good for YOU - catching it, then letting him go!
  9. :-/ yes..I think a vote was due! Talk about near impossable conditions..... YIKES! I'd be wanting to re-schedule it. But that's how I feel. I am with YOU!
  10. "You are more accurate, more in tune with your bait, can make a quieter entry into the water, get a better hook set standing up or on a butt seat then sitting down. "......I don't have a boat YET but this info here about the accuracy makes me want to have a butt seat myself & I am a "hefty" person
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