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  1. Does anyone know what size drain plug will fit in the baby bass basshunter? When I got mine it didnt come with a plug.
  2. I think I am going to go with the 2015 jackson cuda 12 over the lure 11.5!
  3. Thank you for the information! Another plus is the Jackson brand has like a 3 year warranty where feelfree doesnt.
  4. yeah, its just a very tough decision. To many great things about both kayaks. Though the width on the feelfree is 36" compared to the cudas 31"
  5. I added up all the stuff. It pretty much equals out so I would be paying for all those items in the price. I did find a 2014 cuda 12 for $1150 which is the same price as the feel free 11.5
  6. Is the 2015 jackson kayak cuda 12 a better deal than the feel free lure 11.5? even though the jackson kayak is a little bit more expensive than the feelfree, the cuda 12 comes with a couple rod holders, go pro mount, watter bottle, and a bigger middle hatch. also I feel like it has more mounting and customizable options.
  7. Thank you so much for the review! I think it will be a great kayak to start with. I also just spotted the old town predator 13. That also looks like a very nice boat but it is a bit more expensive.
  8. Im thinking I want a little heavier boat. I won't be in a hurry to get to places. Also another thing I like about the Lure is I can stick my rods into the the front hatch that way they can be safe while being transported. I will look at the slayer 12 and find a couple youtube reviews.
  9. Thank you! I will look into the ride 115x
  10. Hello all, I am in the process of searching for a kayak. I was set on the bass pro shops ascend fs12t. I am still keeping an open mind but I have narrowed my search down to two kayaks, the feelfree lure 11.5 and the feefree moken 12.5. I will be doing lots of bass fishing in big lakes and rivers. I will occasionally fish for bluegills, crappies and catfish. I have heard fantastic things about both kayaks and have heard the seat is amazing on the lure. If there are any other kayaks that I should take a look at let me know. Does anyone have any experience with either of these kayaks? I would like some input! Thank you, Lucas
  11. Nice kayak! love the color!
  12. I just checked out those well nuts on the ack website and they look fantastic! I will use those when I get my yak. Thank you for the help!
  13. A jig would be my number 1 choice. After that a chatterbait
  14. what would you recommend using for attaching things to your kayak? rivets or marine grade screws?
  15. anyone else have suggestions?
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