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Everything posted by doog

  1. i went from fire line (total crap) to spider wire stealth and it was the best decision i ever made try it youll love it
  2. there is one solution to the problem and that is THE GARY YAMAMOTO SENKO lol
  3. i have a 2000 pro team 16ft with a 25 horse merc on it and its awesom i only wish it a had a 50 horse on the back and it would be perfect what kind it yours???
  4. i use spiderwire stealth and i love it i went to stealth from berkley firewire i used it but i liked the stealth better if i were you id go with the styealth also because it is coated in teflon for better knots
  5. i dont use an oring but that is preference i dont trust it if im throwin a senko which is like a fifty cent worm the hook is gonna be in the worm not on sum oring
  6. LAKE GEORGE NY in the adirondack mountains the most beautiful place on earth
  7. i agree on the beetle spin ive caught anything from pumpkinseed to this one 4lbs+ largemouth the perfect lure for a 4 year old
  8. im fishing a weed bed thats about 200yds long the water depth is 17Ft to 8Ft deep with milfoil to the surface and wanted to know how to fish it and what to fish it with thanks
  9. just plain watermelon
  10. thanks i agree its not fast and it is bad in ruff water but i think its a nice little boat
  11. i got the boat a few weeks ago and was wonderin if anyone had one or has one that knows anything good or bad about it ive been out on it and love it
  12. i fish with my buddy because we both have the same style of fishing and we think of the same things to try so it works out
  13. try a rig out of bassmaster that i found to work take a 3-4 ounce pyramid sinker and ty it in front of a floating crank bait in bluegill color. flip it to the bed let the crankbait float to the top. then reel it in it will look like a bluegill swimming to eat the eggs the bass will go nutz and try to kill it doog
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