Ok well I now have more time to make the post better so here is the story.
Well it was about 7:30pm and i just got done baby sitting this little boy we know. I got some new fishing lures the day before and i wanted to try them out so i headed down to the lake to test them. Well when i get there my neighbor is out on his boat and asks if I'd care to join him. So i said sure and i got on. We started fishing some stump fields and my neighbor pulls one out on a buzz bait. Im fishing a texas rigged weightless worm. Well i cast out an i hook into a nice 4lber or so but he decides to spit the hook. So next cast i hook into a little dink and he also spits the hook. So by now i was getting a little ticked. Well a few casts later i catch a bass and he had to be the size of a freaking anchovie(sp). Well I turn my chair around and start doing a few casts over a shallow flat that drops off to deep water where this one big tank of a bass has been sitting all year. Well after a few casts there and no luck i decide to cast once more before we move on. Well when the lure was about 10ft from the boat all of the sudden i see a dorsal fin come out of the water and a huge v-wake headed right to my worm. Well i stop reeling my worm and start to twitch it very lightly and BAM! She hits it. My lines starts peeling out and the fights on. Im using a 7ft Shakespeare Rod with a Shimano Synergy reel fishing with 10lb flourocarbon using a 3/0 red Gamigatsu Hook with a 4in Edge Worm on it. Well she starts peeling out a good bit of line so i tell my neighbor to start following her and he does. Well i finally get her to the boat and she starts shaking her head like crazy and heads to the back of the boat where my neighbor is sitting. I yell " Grab her for me, Grab her for me, i cant reach her". Well he finally gets her in the boat and the fight is over. The fight probably didnt take all of 6-8 minutes but it felt like forever. I was pretty stoked. She had such long and sharp teeth on her i thank god i had flouro on and not mono b/c she would of ate right through mono. The pics arent that great b/c i caught her just about at dark. She will be headed to the taxidermist. I have caught a couple more bass bigger than her but after a few minutes of my neighbor convinceing me i kept her.