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Everything posted by bmac31

  1. Congrats To Timmy Horton, I'm happy he won. He deserved a good win. Likeable guy. -Brian
  2. I personally like the VMC drop shot hooks. Saves me time, I'm not the best at the polomar knot. I have them in a couple different styles depending on the size of bait I'll be using. -Brian
  3. Depends where and for what. I'm on the northeast. Surf casting for striper: 11p-3a Spring Bass: 3p-7p Summer bass: 6a-12p/7p-12a Trout: 6a-12p/7p-12a I will fish any chance I get! -Brian
  4. Rapala floating minnow! -Brian
  5. Love seeing Fritts back. What a awful day for me so far. Looks like I won't be in the 99th percentile much longer. Lol. Good luck to everyone! A. Tharp B. Faircloth C. Hackney D. Kreiger E. Chris Lane
  6. My great-great grandfather. According to my grandmother when he came to New haven in the early 1900's from Sicily he peddled fish out of a push cart. He would row his 10ft boat out into new haven harbor and fish for blackfish, fluke and others. This picture is from a local newspaper sometime in the early 40's. He rowed out to the breakwater looking for blackfish, on his way in he found this monster stranded on a rock by the receding tide. Claws to tails it was 24 inches and weighed around 20lbs.
  7. I'm having a hard time choosing someone is group D. Was originally leaning toward Howell now I've changed my pick to Kreiger and I'm still not happy with it. Atleast I feel really good about my other choices. Lol Brian
  8. Unfortunately I have more scenic pictures then pictures with fish. Lol Both pictures are of Connecticut.
  9. I'm no particular order: Bass Pros Bass live (internet) Ikes podcast Hook n' Look Lunkerville Zona awesome fishing show MLF Infisherman River Monsters Madfisherman Loudmouth Bass - Only seen a few but they were great, very hard to find online. Lol ok so maybe I have a few too many favorites.
  10. Lmao, I really need a new VCR. Thanks, I've always played fantasy football and baseball. This was my first time trying fishing, and I must say win or lose it was very fun. Looking forward to the next tourney! Brian
  11. Thanks, still can't find it. Maybe cause I'm on an iPhone. Gonna try on my laptop when I get home. Really appreciate it! Brian
  12. Where can I find my percentile? I'm first in the group and 204th overall, with my luck I'm sure it won't last till through tomorrow. Thanks Brian
  13. Ive got the mixed bag. A. Defoe (Knows Cherokee) B. KVD (No explanation needed) C. Mullins (Local guy) D. Mueller (I'm a CT guy) E. Wheeler (Love his versatility) Brian
  14. Thanks for all the help, it's definitely a Burke flex-plug. Still not sure if I will use it or not. I found a cool vintage catalog from Burke Baits online. They had some really cool stuff. Not sure if I can post it here. brian
  15. So funny was looking at the same stuff last night and thought the same thing. Even the KVD wiki page is weak. Brian
  16. Just joined the group! Good luck everyone!! Brian
  17. Thats awesome, thanks for the help smalljaw67! I'm debating if I wanna give it a go or just add it to my wall hanger collection.
  18. Hey everybody, was going through some of my old tackle and came across this. It looks like it's foam with a thin latex type outer shell. Obviously it looks like a top water popper. Other then that I know nothing. Please help, I think it's a really cool lure. Thanks a bunch, you guys are the best! brian
  19. No Doubt CandleWood! Always a Bassmaster top 100 lake. CT has quite a few good spots.
  20. Hey guys. It's a cabelas pro guide. Ill post pics soon. Thanks a lot everyone! Brian
  21. This is my first year with a BC and I've been doing pretty well. Just have one little question. What is the little knob by the front of the bait caster attached to the bar that holds the line layer? Thanks!!! Brian
  22. bmac31

    CT 2014

  23. bmac31


    From the album: CT 2014

    Checking if my buddies in the other boat are having any luck. Lol
  24. bmac31


    From the album: CT 2014

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