I am getting back into fishing this coming summer after a few years away. Used to use diawa reels almost exclusively untill I sold everything off. Late last fall I purchased the new Chronach 51E for $100 and shore fished a few times with it and fell in love. Last week I bought 2 new Curado 51e reels off eBay for great prices (read a lot that the chronarch is the old curado)
This summer I'm planning a spending at least 2 days a week on the water, and possibly fish a tournament or two towards the fall. this as all smallmouth fishing in eastern canada. I really love fishing light line and small/light baits. Even when crankbait fishing I'm never ever throwing anything that's over 1/2oz, and very rarely even throw anything at 1/2oz. I throw 1/4-3/8oz spinner baits mostly. These are the only two techniques I worry I may struggle with when using this small of reel. From personal experience with my chronarch 51e last fall throwing a 7/16oz crankbait off a warf, I never ran out of line on my casts, and really never had any struggle or fatigue with cranking it back in. Does this seem unrealistic? do I just have a really short cast and a really strong and conditioned reeling wrist? Basically my question is, am I going to eventually come to regret not buying a couple 200 size reels? Or will the 50 size reels indeed be adequate enough? A part of me is hoping the 50 size reels will be adequate because I love the smaller size in my hand, and ability to throw really light cranks and jerk baits etc. Anybody out there using 50 size reels for everything?
Sorry for the long post guys.. Thanks a lot for any insight given!