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About davi754

  • Birthday 05/06/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Louisa VA.
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    North east creek reservoir, waldrops ponds, and now lake Anna
  • Other Interests
    Church,music, guitars, mandolins, Cars, motorcycles, fishing! And oh ya did I mention fishing?

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  1. Well it was a eventful weekend. The wind was about 15 to 20. And water temps about 41 to 45. Friday morning 50 yards from the launch, lower unit locked up. Thank the lord we were not far out. We figured the day of fishing was shot and not to mention we were looking forward to fishing a tournament on Saturday. Well thanks to a friend he called a guy he knows and he actually had a lower unit that would fit. Well 2 hours and 1500 dollars later we were back on the water. Ouch! Well we were skunked on Friday and Saturday. We tried everything from lipless to slow fishing jigs and spinner baits. Not to mention some crazy old man on a john boat with a 25 HP on the back come screaming by us at 5 mph. Instead of using the 100 yards oh channel behind us, he decided to drive 20 ft between us and the shoreline. He litterly drove right over top of where we were fishing. He wouldn't even look at us. What was his problem? Was he just ignorant or does he hate guys on bass boats? I really wanted to see how a lipless crank bait felt dug into the side of his face as he drove by. It wouldn't been a problem, I'm pretty accurate. But then I would have been as heartless and a poor sport as he was. I didn't even hollar. All in all the weekend could have been a lot worse, but it was hard to think that way while we were going through it. But you know what they say. Dem's the gritts
  2. We will be heading out this Saturday near have de grace to do some bass fishing. Weather supposed to be 70 and 19 mph winds. Maybe muddy water? Where would you head to? Up the susquehanna river? Or maybe try to head over to the elk river? What would be your first guess on bait choice and color in muddy water? Thanks
  3. Louisa va here. I went out on Anna today. No bites but I had a blast. A real good guy offered a seat on his boat for the day. Its always fun to meet somebody new and learn from them. There's plenty of fish to be caught in VA. but my problem is, there always in somebody else's livewell. Ha ha
  4. I guess I used the Name open face because I herd my daddy say it when I was a kid. ( I still am ). I'm just getting into fishing again, and starting to take it more serious. Proboly will need something for general jerkbaits/crankbaits. And a set up maybe for jigs/plasticsThanks
  5. I did click on it. It took two minutes to play 10 seconds of it. I have high speed internet and live barley a half mile from the tower. I tried it on every device in the house. But thanks for the answers!
  6. I've fished open faced reels all my life. I had some questions? First of all I don't know how to use a bait caster, but I just got one to learn on. What are some advantages of baitcasters over open face reels? What are some technique tips? Best beginner baitcaster? Are there adjustments to reduce backlash? Thanks guys any gals
  7. I've never watched the classic before last week, so I only know of the big names in fishing. But I caught the interview with Paul Mueller after he set the record for most pounds in a day. I was impressed by his demeanor, and how he presented himself. He also knew who to give the credit to. I hope he does well in the world of fishing,and becomes a good role model for the sport.
  8. I go fishing so I can live. But I live to go fishing - Me
  9. Ok, I'll get it started. To fish, or not to fish,that is not a question! My fish is bigger than yours Here's a famous one: Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. So what's the best you got? Post it up!
  10. I hit north east creek resivour (Louisa),only fished about 2 hours.pulled blue\black jig slow. No bites.fished deep on some rocks from bank,I need to get the Jon boat and a depth finder to look for some points and drop offs
  11. The weather looks to be ok next couple days, who might be hitting lake Anna or potomac or anywhere else? With the water temps still being cold, what would you try and would you stay on drop off's and deep rock areas? And if anybody has an open seat, I'll split some gas for the trip!
  12. I want something to fish out of, that is 1 person friendly, stable, and maybe the option of putting a trolling motor on. I will fish resivoirs mostly, and the lake weekdays when its not busy. Something i can load up in the truck when I'm in a hurry to catch the last couple hours of daylight. Are there any options other than kayak and canoes ? Thanks guys and gals David S.
  13. Hey champ, if you wanna fish some of there tournaments let me know, I'm ready.
  14. Louisa Va. Here. I was looking for a club that would take a non boater also, so I could get the experience. I checked from Richmond to northern va, to shanandoah valley. Everybody I talked to didn't have anything available. But that was a month ago, things may have changed. If anybody has a seat on a boat, and would offer it, I would help with gas, and net your fish. Probably won't have to net anything I catch! Hahahaha. I don't mind driving where ever. Just cant on Sundays untill after 12:30. Let's fish, cold weather go away!
  15. I'm ready, the wife said go for it. I'm glad I stumbled on to this tonight. I live in central Va. So if anybody is thinking of going near by, maybe we could car pool. Also does anyone need a roommate? It's just me, and I don't snore to loud! I'm gonna get that registration form going tomorrow. Shoot me a message
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