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About sctrailhiker

  • Birthday 03/01/1977

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Walhalla, South Carolina
  • My PB
    Over 15 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Keowee Lake, Chatooga river
  • Other Interests
    Volleyball and taking my kids out to wet a hook

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  1. Its been a while since I've been online here. Nice mods to all of your boats I've finally installed my nagivation lights on my 10e and installed my floor along with my battery and life vest storage box.
  2. I just bought a battery box for mine and mounted my fire ex. on the front of it. I take it out when ever I'm on the road. Works great for me.
  3. I live in south Carolina and they don't care as long as u have lights lol. They rip your money off on boat titling .
  4. I'm sure if you had upgraded racks you could put it up there it just weighs a little over 100 lbs empty.
  5. I'm actually looking for either a used jet ski trailer or a trailer from harbor. You really can't beat that price. As far as raider vrs hunter I've heard the hunter is more stable. You made a good choice. I bought mine new for reg reasons south Carolina is very strict and if you buy used you have to pay lots and go through a lot to get your numbers.
  6. well I saw you have a bass hunter and I think there a little deeper than my bass raider I can stand mine up on end and almost carry it by myself. good luck to you but you can also look on craigslist for a cheap trailer. if you could find a jet ski trailer you would never have to load it again In your truck. and you should be able to find one for around 200
  7. fish cat I use a 8ft lawn mower trailer to haul mine. I took two pieces of 1 inch flat metal and drilled two holes in it so I can keep the tail gate flat and if I can drive to the side of a pond ill launch it like a big boat and use the 4x4 in my jeep to pull it out. works great I never have to pick up my boat unless Im draining water out of it.
  8. our weather has been up and down also. I was lucky that this week we had a couple of 80 degree days but now its going to drop back down this weekend. But at least the water temp got up to 60 the days we were fishing. the fish in this water shed I fish have really started moving in to the flats. I spooked two the day before fanning out a bed and one of them looked bigger than the one I caught. they had a whole cove covered with murky muddy water. my 8 year old son caught a nice 5 lb bass the weekend before.
  9. 8.6 caught off of a watermelon candy zoom in south Carolina watershed.
  10. Man all I can say is wow. I love my little bass raider 10e. If your trying to decide just buy it. You don't have to feed it and you can just about put it anywhere. Spring is here and I've been out on mine about six times already and just caught my first wall hanger yesterday. I love my boat.
  11. I love it. I'm a tall guy and I don't like feeling cooped up. That's why I sold my Jon boat. I made mine out of 4" black iron pipe and 1/4" steel plates. I made mine so it would add weight so my seats won't fly out on transport. They sell them at Walmart for 15$ each.
  12. Here are some pics. I fabricated a mount and also made a set of risers for my seats. I'm going to carpet my floors and I'm thinking about installing a live well.
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