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Everything posted by Vzwire

  1. Yup- you must go with the larger one. And with that said you will also have to hinge your floor in it. My floor fits across the back seat with maybe 1" to spare. I'm excited for you. Quit procrastinating, and get on the water. Do it!!
  2. Deflation on the water- It has 3 separate air chambers. One gets punctured and you are still floating. Either way, I keep a roll of gorilla tape and a piece of sandpaper in the basket up front. The hand pump I told you to throw away in an earlier post- I take that back and was only saying that to really prove a point. I keep the hand pump in the basket as well. If ever it get punctured, a quick sanding to the vinyl, followed by gorilla tape, and I bet I will make it to shore. (You not going to go too far out anyway). The seahawk 4- if this one craps out, I'll go to the 4 as well. Not because I would add a friend in the boat, more so I can have more room for myself.
  3. I understand the more thrust concept, felt the same way... at first. When I got on the water for the first time, naturally I wanted to get to the other side of the lake faster. I have a different opinion now. With the 30lb on even the lowest setting it is almost too fast to "drift and pitch". You certainly don't want to move from spot to spot on any speed less than 4 or 5, but when you are ready to get into the business, too much speed becomes an issue. Think about it- 40lbs plus can move (as it is intended) a heavy boat... This inflatable boat is super light fully loaded. I am now glad I got the 30lb thrust. Any bigger, and using it for technique would be out of the question.
  4. I kid you not: 5 minutes to completely pack everything in the car before I leave the house. 10 minutes setup upon lake launch arrival 10 minute takedown upon return to launch 5 minutes to unpack once back home 30 minutes total I'd bet more than half the guys here spend more than 30 minutes taking out and returning their $30k+ super-boats. Not sure why an inflatable gets such a bad rep. It is what it is: and not intended for the Big O here in Florida... But I will say this- when I hit any lake I purposely hit all of the tiny inlets that no boat could ever enter. No matter how many tournaments are held, or if there are hundreds of boats in the water that day, I will fish pressure-less waters due to the convenience of size. The boat I displayed above costs around $40 on Amazon. Add a $99 MK 30lb thrust, a $60 battery, a $30 battery maintainer/charger, life vest and an anchor... and you are instantly no longer restricted to bank fishing all for less than $250. (Most everyone already has an ice chest, and even an electric inflator). Let's say the inflatable only lasts one season... $40 and you are back in business. Less than 1 tank of gas... I know there are a lot of "budget" fishermen here. I think for $250 this is an absolute killer bassin' outfit. Not sure why inflatables get no love.
  5. I have that exact setup. Been fishing it weekly for 3 months now without issue. Here's the deal- The pump that comes with it- Throw it away with the box. Use an electric inflatable matress pump and a power inverter in the car. I'm fully inflated lake-side in 2 minutes. Notice closely- The ice chest/ seat is also my live-well. The storage bin up front holds my supplies (vest, anchor, etc) Rod holder attached to storage bin holds 3 rods, plus the raft has 2 built in. MK 30lb thrust moves this thing with the quickness! I have fished 8 hours on a walmart battery and still have 1/2 power when I get home. Humminbird 130 Fishin' Buddy sonar- attached simply onto the arm of the motor mount. My battery box is placed up front to displace the weight of me and the motor in the back. As far as the floor goes- go one solid peice of plywood, covered with marine carpet. No need for hinges. All of this fits in the back seat of my Nissan Maxima. When I set this up Sat morning at a very busy launch- first I get crazy looks...maybe a few laughs...but after 10 minutes of setup i get comments from everyone - "Huh....wow...ok...not too bad" Do I want a "real" boat? Yes- badly. But.... this will do until I find the right deal.
  6. Catch them all day on blue worms here in central florida. Fun to catch... up until you realize it's not that 10lb LMB you were hoping for. As far as eating... Bet there are some guys from Louisiana that will tell you they have eaten them before. Full of bones, so I've eaten them ground up into patties and deep fried. I'm originally from Louisiana, where we call it a choupique.
  7. Associate Director, Verizon. Love the company I work for.
  8. Florida. They don't call it the "Fishing capital of the world" for nothing. And... No state or grocery tax.
  9. I've had success with all shades of blue.
  10. Go to the bathroom (sit) right before you leave the house. Can't tell you how many times I have gone through my checklist over and over in the morning at home, only to realize once the fishing starts that I forgot to handle business that day. You'll be able to hold it but could mess you up mentally all day.
  11. You sir are wrong... Scrapple is a gift from heaven. /end thread
  12. Hello and welcome! I am also new here, and just found my new addiction. I also mostly bank fish, but do get out on the lake in my inflatable with a trolling motor every weekend as well. Either way, the technique he covers in his videos will cover any and all anglers.
  13. Another vote for Walmart batteries. I do have the MK power center. Why buy the MK? It has a button you can press to tell you how much power is left. I press it less and less now when on the water because I pretty much have full confidence I can run all day without worry. I run a 30lb thrust MK, and was out on the lake yesterday for about 6 hours. When I got home I hit the button just to see how much power I used on the trip. It still showed full power. I will admit I use the motor to get me from spot to spot and then anchor, not really ever a run and gun kind of angler. But to summarize in short: A Walmart battery permanently hooked up to a good battery maintainer when not in use will be all you will ever need.
  14. I cook outside on the grill and/or smoker at least 3times a week....year-round. Queue the Florida resident bashing... ;-)
  15. Whatever my wife packs for me the night before... Usually a turkey and cheese or ham sandwich, a bag of chips, a cheese stick, and a little Debbie of some sort. Oh, and a love note wishing me luck. Gawd I love that woman!
  16. She's beautiful! Congrats on the new addition to your family.
  17. +1 on Harbor Freight air compressors. I've had mine for about 3 years no issues. Loud though.... I recondition/restore classic arcade games. I use the compressor to quickly spray paint the machines. I have the Central Pneumatic 2hp 125psi 8 gallon....works flawlessly.
  18. My bank has a coin-star type machine in the lobby. Free to account holders. This is the ONLY reason I ever go to the bank. All other banking is done 100% wirelessly.
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