Hi folks,
I just joined the forum, but I've been reading all I can on the site for the past 6 months... thanks for all the great info (especially glenn and his YouTube videos). I'm 30 years old and just getting in to fishing. None of my family or friends were in to fishing when I was growing up, so I'm starting completely from scratch. For some reason, I just got the bug to start fishing over the summer when my family went on vacation to Smith Mountain Lake, VA. Between family, work, and other hobbies, I was only able to go out fishing 5 times this year and only caught 4 bass. I plan to get a bit more fishing in during 2014, but with a two-year-old and another baby due in March, I'll probably only be able to make a few short trips to the local ponds in next year. The reason I say I've gone overboard is that I have plenty of time to THINK about fishing and SHOP for gear and I feel a little overwhelmed about how I should spend the precious few hours of fishing time that I'll get next year.
Sorry for the long backstory... let me get to my question. I'd like to spend my 2014 fishing time getting really good at one technique, rather experimenting with a bunch of random techiques/lures. I live in northern Virginia, local water is usually somewhere between stained and muddy, I don't have a boat, I have two medium power spinning rods and an ultralight, and my main goal is to have fun, catch numbers, and gain confidence. If you were me, what are the one or two techniques that you would focus on next year?