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Everything posted by NEPAfishfinder

  1. I'm interested in getting something to transport 4 or 5 combos as well. I was looking at the Cabela's Pro Rod Bag. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat20166-cat20325&id=0023214016555a&navCount=1&podId=0023214&parentId=cat20325&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalogCode=UK&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat601233&hasJS=true
  2. You can never go wrong with an Abu C3 reel. I've been using my 5500 for about 5 years now and i love it. The reel is every bit the workhorse people say it is. I'm also a big Browning fan and they offer some good stuff for under $100.
  3. I've always been a Browning fan too. I believe they make a great product for the price. Great review on the reel.
  4. I've been using Tuff Line Braid for 4 years and have no desire to switch. Outside of my UL trout setup i use it on my 4 other reels. My home lake has a lot of stumps so the braid has saved me money. I also like how it acts on my baitcasts. In addition i've had few line twists with my spinning gear.
  5. I'm going to be visiting a friend in Louisville, KY and we plan on doing some bass fishing. He doesn't fish nearly as much as i do so despite him being a two year "local" his knowledge is pretty limited. I'm looking for somewhere that offers camping and boat rentals. I'd rather a place that isn't too touristy and caters towards fishing. My target area is somewhere in Southern Ind, KY, SE MO. Ultimately i'd like a place that offers good fishing, reasonable boat rentals and maybe a decent bar nearby to have a few beers at the end of the day.
  6. Hopefully this doesn't ruin your perception of Virginia Tech. This could have happened anywhere. It was really only a matter of time something like this happened. The fact it happened it in such in quinte town like Blacksburg makes it more shocking. I went to Temple which is in a really bad section of Philadelphia and there was a fear that something could happen due to the surroundings but the thought of own of our own doing something never crossed my mind. But it could have just as easily happened there. VTech is a great school with a great student body. I have to believe this will only strengthen the bond there.
  7. I picked up a 6'6 Medium 2 piece St. Croix Triumph at Cabela's last week for $70. I needed a good 2 piece rod for traveling purposes so i gave it a shot. Some people like these rods some people don't. I've yet to use it and probably won't get a chance for atleast another week.
  8. I swear by Tuffline XP Braid and for mono, Berkley XL seems to do the trick for me.
  9. I switched over from mono to Tuffline XP braid last year and i don't think i'll ever go back to using mono except for my light tackle trout and live bait setups. I like the fact i don't have line twists on my spinning reels with and i've become a lot smoother and precise with my baitcaster as well with it. Plus you can't beat the strength to diameter ratio of it, especially if you fish in a stumpy lake with a lot of cover like i do. It's deffinately saved me several $$'s in tackle that i would otherwise lose with mono.
  10. My home lake there's a lot of cover and stumps so i've really come to like braided line My Main 3 Reels Abu C5500- Tuffline XP 65lb Okuma Stratus SGT 30 Spinning- Tuffline XP 30lb Shimano Sidestab 100 Spinning- Tuffline XP 15lb Other 2 Daiwa 25th Aniversery Spinning (live bait combo)- 6lb. Berkley Trilene XL Shakespeare Prius 4225X (trout combo)- 4 lb. Berkley Trilene XL
  11. Well i'm actually open to spending more than $100, i threw out the under $100 to try to eliminate the $250 reels and so on. I'm not just out of college so i can't be spending mucho $$ on gear. I try to buy quality stuff within reason based on my budget. Basically i'm looking for a good well rounded baitcaster that's a little more versatile than my ABU C5500 which is my Pike/big water reel.
  12. I'm looking for a good reel under $100 to use with crankbaits 1/4 oz, as well as inline spinners 1/4 oz and under, small spoons and worms. I currently have an Abu C5500 on a MH 7' rod that i use as my largemouth/pike combo but it's not very versatile for me. At my home lake i fish mostly for pickeral and largemouth and i use the above mentioned lures and sizes. My Abu is great for chucking big spoons and inline's and cranks 1/2 oz to 1 oz but i need something smaller to fill the void. The reel will go on a brand new 6'6 M action Siloflex cranking rod.
  13. Tuffline is my personal favorite.
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