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Everything posted by red23fox

  1. Makes sense..good example on flats and vertical structure. Thanks fellas.
  2. What is the true advantage to do either or. Essentially the same action , depending on leader length, is there a true advantage if you par the course at an18" leader? Going to be fishing in 20-30 feet of water for conversation sake.
  3. Thanks for the help.
  4. When I only have an hour or two and can't get to the boat, I often fish on a 20 acre pond by my house. It is stocked with bass, never seen over 2 pounds though, and is always got ducks or geese in it as well. Today the seemed to follow me around the pond. I was catching nothing but a cold. After about 30 minutes they took off. I then started to catch some fish. Is that just dumb luck, or should you stay away from or gravitate to ducks on the water? Thanks, and Merry Christmas all.
  5. Being brand new in town, a new lake, new to freshwater, and trying to keep up with all the styles,advice, do's, dont's, and........nevermind! Its actually pretty fun starting over again and reading all that you guys throw down just intrigues me to want to know more. Been fishing the texas gulf coast my whole life and had more fun fishing for Bass over the last 4 months than I can ever remember on the water. That being said, be nice to the rookies..Its no the size of the Fish you caught, its the fact you were not at work. Merry Christmas.
  6. red23fox

    Starting out

    Just started a few months ago.
  7. red23fox

    First night Bass

    From the album: Starting out

    Its not how big it is, its tha fact you were not at work!
  8. red23fox


    From the album: Starting out

  9. From the album: Starting out

    Not a trophy to you, but it wa to me
  10. From the album: Starting out

    Culture change .....Have to get use to freshwater
  11. red23fox

    Figuring it out

    From the album: Starting out

    Getting Bigger
  12. red23fox


    From the album: Starting out

  13. red23fox

    Back Home

    I would take my employees out every year on the bay
  14. red23fox

    Zoo Fishing 029

    From the album: Back Home

    I run an AC Company. High Performers got this.
  15. red23fox

    Zoo Fishing 028

    From the album: Back Home

    Bay of Matagrda Tx
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