I had a pet largemouth in my back yard "goldfish pond" this summer. Released her today in my neighbor's pond so that if we were to have any issues with the pump in our pond freezing this winter I won't have to worry about the big bass. I fed it all kinds of baitfish, like bluegill, creek chubs, golden shiners, and suckers. The pond is only 3 or 4 feet deep and 11'widex16'long, it's located in my back yard so I could observe the fish through the window from my couch, I spent quite a bit of time studying the bass's habits...
Watching this bass taught me a lot, I kept the pond chocked full of food so she could eat whenever she wanted to, and it was interesting to see how when she wasn't feeding, she would just hang out in the shade, and even when 20 little suckers swam by, she would just sit there. But when she did decide it was time to eat, it was an all out blitz, no ambushing, just chase them down, sometimes in full speed pursuit for 10-15 seconds at a time, and CHOMP! I also had a smaller bass in there, one particular time the smaller one managed to grab a bluegill so big that it took him 5 or more minutes to swallow, I was worried I would have to catch him and take it out so he wouldn't die, but somehow he swallowed it. The bigger bass was right beside him the whole time just waiting in case he spit it out, they are pretty bright creatures.
It really was an eye opener for me, I was surprised to see how small of a time frame one can have to catch a big bass, a spot that may seem to be vacant could be on fire 10 minutes later. It also showed me that bass will use a significant amount of energy to capture food when they are in a feeding mode. I'm eager to get another one next year to study, may even try to get a couple pre-spawn and see what they do when the water warms!
Measured 20"x14" today, fish calculator says 5.5lbs (I need to get new batteries for my scale)