Did a little river bassin' today from the kayak, plenty of bass, green ones and brown ones. Caught fish on: 6" Bullshad, Senko, T-rigged trick worm, t-rigged speed craw, war eagle spinnerbait, KVD 1.0, X-Rap, and a 1/4oz spro bucktail. They were very hungry so I just started experimenting with different baits.
This fish ate a spinnerbait that I was bringing through a laydown, she tried to go back in and was rubbing my line on a log, I was so involved in the fight that I didn't realize what I was doing and rolled my kayak over! BUT I GOT THE FISH. Also recovered everything that fell out of the kayak. She was 19" long and spit up a 7" gizzard shad. People still wonder why I throw a bull shad...
I put the bucktail on as a joke but I ended up doing extremely well with it, on both green and brown fish. If guys can do it on deep ledges I can do it in a shallow river right?