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Everything posted by everythingthatswims

  1. Yeah I was asking regarding knife fish, I think I read somewhere that they were hard to get to eat artificials so most people fished shiners.. Even in freshwater you guys (Florida) have all sorts of crazy species!!!
  2. Do you fish live bait or artificals?
  3. The only time I dead drift trout magnets is when the water is freezing cold (December thru February) and I'm fishing for wild trout. Otherwise I'm twitching them. I twitch it as much as I can without bringing it out of the strike zone, this varies with current.
  4. I'm a black and blue jig kinda guy when it comes to mud!
  5. My friend fishes it. Those fish are SMART!!! Get some gold or white trout magnets, and some gulp minnows to fish on jigheads
  6. Temple Fork Outfitters
  7. 21" on my trusty DT4.....Not sure how all that red stuff got in the photo, my camera must be acting up
  8. A couple of those are some really pretty bass! Nice and round
  9. I talk to fish, especially big ones. The more they jump, the worse they are hooked, and the more they wrap me up in something, the more I talk to them. And I typically repeat the phrases 5-6 times but they never hear me. "Don't jump don't jump don't jump don't jump don't jump" "Get out of there get out of there get out of there get out of there" "Stay on there stay on there stay on there stay on there"
  10. I read a quote somewhere about fishing along the lines of "I can't explain it to you, the only ones who understand don't need it to be explained to them" but it sounded a lot cooler and smarter. If anyone knows the quote let me know haha
  11. Stop in VA Beach and catch some fiddler crabs or buy them from a bait shop (you can't get them in the outer banks and catching them is extremely tough because of how small the intertidal zones are). Go to the Oregon Inlet bridge catwalk and climb down onto the pilings. Should be plenty of sheepshead and tog (togs are completely unregulated in NC, so you won't be able to find them in the regulations, I had to talk to a game warden to figure that out) on the pilings. Take a junky MH baitcaster and a junky reel with 50lb braid, it's combat fishing. Some people use a carolina rig but I prefer tying a dropper loop. 1/0 Gamakatsu octopus hooks, 50lb leader. If the water is clear and/or you aren't getting many bites, try 25lb leader but be prepared to lose some. The way I see it you have to get bit before you can lose a fish. 3 ouncer of lead it probably the least you can get away with, depending on the tide I have used up to 6 ounces. Fish right against the pilings (if you're further than 6" away you probably won't get bit). Bites are soft but you'll get the hang of it. You should see some other people doing it while you're there. Wayyyyyyy more fun than watching a rod tip waiting for a drum IMO
  12. I own an s-waver 168 and a 180, as well as the suicide glide 9". I have caught piles of fish on the small s-waver, a few on the big s-waver (not as big of a fan with that one, I have only caught little ones on it). I haven't thrown the 9" suicide glide enough, I have missed a couple fish on it and had plenty of follows. The draw power on the 9" glide is ridiculous, I have had schools of big gizzard Shad, gar, carp, groups of catfish, groups of walleye, and obviously groups of bass follow it in. Glide baits are really tough to learn and the follows get super frustrating but when it's "on" there is nothing that compares to it.
  13. A different colored crankbait or swimjig is a whole lot closer to matching a baitfish than a trick worm on a shakey head is to matching anything that exists, but a trick worm on a shakey head will knock their socks off when they want it. The bass don't seem to mind when we use baits that just look like food, even if they haven't seen one before.
  14. If they are really chewing I will take the trailer hook off, it is a lot easier to sink one hook into a fish than two, and you can't get a perfect hook set every time from a kayak. The only other time I do it is when I use a zoom swimming fluke jr as a trailer, that extra vibration can really help sometimes. My biggest buzzbait fish this summer was hooked through the nostrils on the trailer hook
  15. Leaving the scales at home is my favorite way to hunt big bass. It works better than any other technique I have tried.
  16. Mine have all been in less than 5' haha. Maybe it's a forage related thing
  17. Triple Crown good job! I have only done that a few times, not sure if I have ever caught all 3 wild, definitely 2/3 were wild.
  18. I only see it on healthy fish, and it definitely only occurs on certain bodies of water I fish
  19. 1/4oz redeye shad in black&gold, and a finesse worm on a lightweight t rig fished slow.
  20. Is that a SK series 3 crankbait? Basing it off of that the first fish looks to be about 2-2.5 and the second 3-3.5 but I could be totally wrong. Those are really healthy bass! Did you get a length on them?
  21. Is it like a lipless crank/swimbait?
  22. I have found that nearly all the bass I have photos of that came out of cold water have their dorsal fin up
  23. Went out for a few hours this morning before work, hit my favorite stretch of river as usual. It was in the low 40s and windy, by mid January that will feel nice but after a week with highs in the 60s and 70s it was brutal! Caught 19 largemouth and one smallmouth, half on my trusty bluegill DT4, half on a 1/16oz texas rigged trick worm (if you fish anywhere that is shallow with current, try this). I now have caught roughly 75 bass on that DT4 and I haven't even had it for a full month yet! 3 identical ones sitting in the box but they still haven't seen the water. 20" 18" 17" I'm impressed with the durability of this bait
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