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Everything posted by everythingthatswims

  1. I bet a big musky wasn't the only thing you caught. Love that river!!!
  2. I know what flippin' is, but I have never done it to any degree of success. I personally don't see it being necessary, I tend to stay further away from the fish than most (they can feel your boat in the water!), and I can "pitch" as accurately as I'll ever need to. I call it flippin' but technically what I am doing is 100% pitchin'
  3. Water temp was down to 38 degrees today, my friends and I went out to try for some sauger and walleye. Fishing 4" keitech swing impacts on 1/4oz heads on a slow lift/drop retrieve in 15-20FOW. My buddy hooked a musky within 15 minutes of us getting to our spot, and the hook came out while I was trying to get the fish grips on the fish's jaw. 5 minutes later and I hook a brute of a musky, luckily it was just as a boat arrived that was targeting musky, and they netted the fish for me. They were stunned that I caught it on "that little jig". 10 minutes after releasing the first one I feel a "tick" and lean back into something that is also clearly not a walleye! The guys in the boat were happy to come net the fish for me, and we got more pictures. 15 minutes later and I am dumbfounded when I hook yet another musky. I told the guys in the boat to just keep fishing but they helped me out again and scooped the fish up once it was tired. Somehow I managed to land all three on a 10lb test mono leader. So today the spinning rod with a keitech outfished 3 guys throwing big musky lures from a boat, they never had a bite! Must be the cold water. Might I add that I can see the buildings where I take classes from where I am catching these fish! This fish very easily could have been my PB (43") but we didn't measure it, things were chaotic enough to begin with!
  4. Got the first one of 2017 today, probably a 35" fish. 41 degree water and icy guides made for an interesting hour or so that I was out. I was walleye fishing with a 4" swing impact on a 1/4oz head, fish was hooked right in the corner of the mouth and my 10lb mono didn't have a scratch on it after the whole ordeal! This is the second musky that my little Calcutta 50 has bested
  5. Congrats! I'm assuming you won?
  6. Settling back into Morgantown after a bass-filled spring break
  7. He is a great fisherman but Aaron Wiebe sure is a strange dude. There was a definite turning point where he went off the deep end starting with the carp-chair-swing video
  8. These guys make for some fine fish food, but unfortunately they make a bass think he's a striper
  9. Red craw color lipless
  10. Yes and no. 1100 acres of water and we never got more than half a mile from the boat ramp in fear of not being able to get back. I would say 2 hours of our day was spent pulled up on the bank waiting on the wind to die down also.
  11. Today my friend and I drove two hours to an (electric only) lake, battled 20mph+ winds, and burned through several batteries, all because I wanted to catch a spotted bass. It took quite a while for us to figure it out, and even then we were far from having it down to a science, but I'm very happy with how things turned out. Every fish we caught today was on a wind blown, slow tapering bank in 5-10FOW on a half oz trap. The water had about 2' of visibility, far from your typical spotted bass water, but I sure did catch a couple of pretty ones! The biggest one was 3.54lbs, the second biggest was 2.71, and I also caught a 1.71. We caught 8 bass in total including several nice largemouth, and our best five went 14lbs. Can't complain with that on a lake I had never been too in far from ideal conditions!
  12. Had to take a break today so I stayed home and organized fishing stuff in preparation for the next couple of days. I did walk down to the river for about an hour and this happened!
  13. Lake Anna, my "home" lake, has multiple tournaments every weekend year-round. It has a big population of large fish, and they get moved around a lot in the spring, but the lake still produces. The pressure makes it tough to catch them though, really tough!
  14. The Picasso School-E Jr. is significantly more durable and comes with quality components for about $3 more. I got tired of bent and broken arms on the flash mob jr, I haven't had one break on a Picasso yet and mine have been through plenty of stripers which are pretty rough on a rig! Also the rig has sleeves that make it really easy to swap out swivels with.
  15. I went to a local reservoir today in search of a jerkbait bite. My friend was out there recently and crushed them, the water was 50-51 degrees when he fished and fish were up shallow cruising and cooperating well. Today when I got on the water, the temperature was 46 degrees, clouds prevented the water from heating up and it only got to 47 by the time I left. The bite was tough, I had to fish really slowly and I couldn't really make sense of where my bites were occurring and why. On top of that, there was a rowing meet taking place, so there was a significant amount of boat wake that I think negatively affected the bite. I caught 11 bass, most of which were about a pound. I did find two studs though, a 4.18 and a 5.24. Both big fish came from the mouths of coves in about 10 FOW, and I tried to duplicate the bite but it didn't happen. I was fishing a vision 110, and pausing it for 5-10 seconds at a time was the only way I could get bit. This was my first time catching numbers of fish working a jerkbait slowly so I'm pretty happy with it!
  16. I am home for spring break and the onslaught has begun... I expected to have a tough time today, but we did surprisingly well for the conditions. Blue bird skies, cold, and high barometric pressure. I think the only thing that saved us was the wind! Between my two brothers, my dad, and I, we landed 31 largemouth and 16 pickerel. Most of the fish were caught on a Vision 110, a few caught on some LC baits. I also landed two on a 1/2oz red rattle trap, and one on an Alabama rig. Four people in the boat throwing expensive jerkbaits and not one bite off despite the hefty number of fish that have quite the criminal record with high end jerkbaits. Edit: Water temps ranged from 48 to 50 degrees. No fish over 2.5lbs today but there were plenty of them and they were pretty! This fish weighed 2lbs flat, the reason I am holding it so far out is so we can appreciate the proportions of this fish's body, not to make it look big!
  17. I don't know, but I've heard stonewall and stonecoal stay pretty muddy in the spring
  18. I know of two boats with pretty experienced locals that were recently on the lake, said the water was chocolate milk and they landed one fish between both boats (4 anglers).
  19. Even if they do taste good, a Musky smells awful and I would be reluctant to filet one
  20. Lake Anna. That place is a joke for catfish
  21. I think the freaks are the only ones big enough to not get demolished by a musky. Out of 5 big perch we have caught, the only perch we have caught, every single one of them has had very apparent musky wounds.
  22. My friend and I went out on the river in kayaks again and did a lot of blade bait jigging. This time our friend who lives in an apartment nearby came with us, so we put some fish on a stringer for dinner after we got off the water. All of the fish came on 1/4oz blades, we caught lots of sauger, 3 walleyes, a big perch, three catfish, and I caught one very small spotted bass. Hopefully the action continues! For size reference, the walleye is just over 15"
  23. Next year once we are out of dorms next year we will definitely be using nature's grocery store. Lots of tasty critters have been turned loose this semester and last!
  24. This morning I was out with the WVU Bass Team in the 20mph winds and sideways rain dragging some of the 315 Christmas trees that we moved from a boat ramp down into what will be about 10-20FOW in Tygart lake once the lake is brought up to normal pool this spring. Exhausted would be an understatement to describe how I felt after that, but my friend and I decided we would just keep it going and we headed to the river once we got back to campus. The wind was blowing 15-20mph and air temps were in the low 40s, a far cry from what we experienced this week, but we found some protected water by a lock&dam, where we proceeded to have a very nice afternoon of fishing! Most of the fish came on 1/4oz blade baits, but some fell victim to a 3" grub on a 1/8-1/4oz jighead. We landed 20 sauger, 6 walleye, and 4 jumbo perch. This is the biggest sauger I have caught so far at 17.5" This perch was 13" long and FAT!
  25. My biology lecture today got cancelled so I took it as a message from the universe telling me to fish. I headed to the magic lake with my friend to kayak fish for the afternoon. It was slow when we got there, but eventually I stumbled upon a decent jerkbait bite, and once I figured out the cadence they wanted it was GAME ON! I landed 29 bass, most on the jerkbait, a couple on a popper, and one on a jig. I anchored my kayak in one area and landed 15 bass on the jerkbait without moving! Most of the fish had the front hook in their mouth, they were big fans of the fancy bait from Japan
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