I fished a pond today that is absolutely covered in small lily pads. I wasn't expecting pads so I had to frog fish with 12lb mono on a medium action rod. The only frog I had with me was a booyah pad crasher jr... I was literally catching fish every other cast, and most of them were between 2 and 3 pounds! After about 5 or 6 fish, I broke off the frog on what was probably a really nice fish, but I'll never know (that's what I get for frogging with 12lb test!). After that I had to improvise, so I rigged up a pit boss with no weight, and fished it like I did with the frog. The fish didn't mind, and continued clobbering the bait, many of them going completely airborne when they hit it, it sure was nerve racking watching that big wake being pushed up behind the bait before they blew up. I had to wade out in the pond since the bank was overgrown, and many of the bass would follow the bait in and eat it inches off the rod tip right in front of me! I had one fish that was probably 4-5lbs come unhooked when he surged down in a big wad of pads, so that was two good ones that I lost. I feel like I burned it up pretty bad today, so I'll probably let it rest for a week or so, and go back with proper tackle, hopefully I can land some nicer fish.