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Everything posted by SenkoGuru

  1. All I can say is that I have ordered several baitcasters and a couple of Rods from them and it was all great. They were easy to talk with, had fast shipping and very good pricing. I was very happy dealing with them. A very good company.
  2. Those do look like nice reels. Thanks for posting I'll have to get some of those.
  3. For 1.5 and 2.5 I've been using a 7'1 Medium action Duckett White Ice. I am not a big crankbait fisherman, I fish mostly Jig's and plastic's so I'm interested in what people have to say on this too.
  4. Glad you like it. Let us know what you think after you have fished with it a little more.
  5. I agree 100% and I've never understood why every dobyn's thread always makes someone angry because of an opinion that is posted on them. I've never seen any other thread ever that brings out the anger like dobyn's threads. Never understood why though. EDIT....TackleTour's review agreed with this also saying that the down side to champions was it was over priced. Quote from TT "- Considering some manufacturers are offering rods outfitted with SiC guides for under $200, just a little on the high end of the price curve" I have been attacked for saying this for over two years and now the majority is starting to say the same thing.
  6. I learned a long time ago, you either go big or go home. Do not start the day trying to get a limit and then moving on to what you hope will be better fish. Start the day out looking for those five BIG bites.
  7. I won my 4th tournament but the best thing I ever did was join a Bass club and started fishing with different people. I learned a whole lot from them, I'm still learning new things every trip out.
  8. My best tournament five was 43.37 years ago. also won big bass with a 11.02. I live in La.
  9. They are both great baitcasters but I am not a big fan of the new Curado I. It feels a little cheap when compared to the older D and E model's. I really like the Tatula's much more but I've always been a fan of daiwa reels. I do not have much time right now but I'll post some thoughts later.
  10. Yesterday was one of the best trips I've had on Toledo Bend in a very long time. My friend new what he was talking about and he may have just started my crankbait fishing days. We caught 14 bass but here is the amazing part, our best five Bass was 34.7. We had a 9 pounder and two over 8 pounds. All were caught and released back into the lake. The Strike King 8.0 is for real. the bait is huge but it hunt's and doesn't just stay tracking like a regular crankbaits does. It will dart and hunt and I believe that causes the bass to strike. Thanks every one for the help and info on which rod to use. I used a 7'7" Heavy Duckett White Ice with a 5.4:1 Tatula. I'm going to order either a Duckett 7'11 White Ice cranking stick or a Orochi XX Casting Rod 7'11" Launcher rod that I'm going to try out on those baits. Thanks for the help.
  11. I broke my neck on the oil rig 8 years ago, after that I had sever weakness in my left arm and hand. I tried to switch to a left handed reel so I could set the hook with my right arm, went out and bought a bunch of left handed reels too. I couldn't do it, I kept some for flipping but I can't use a left handed reel it was just way to weird and I had a lot of trouble with it. I wound up going through a year of rehab and getting my left arm better.
  12. No they do not turn yellow. The first Gen of the Ghost rods had a bad batch of clear coat that turned them yellow. Duckett replaced those rod's free of charge, or at least they replaced my Ghost rods that turned yellow with new ones.
  13. Sadly, I have not fished with a EX6 yet but I'm sure it is a good Bass rod. I can tell you that you will not be disappointed with a Duckett Micro Magic Pro rod. It is simply a fantastic rod to fish with, balanced and sensitive. Maybe some one can tell you a little about the EX6 that has fished with it. Good Luck.
  14. Soooo.........You're saying I should buy a Dobyn's?
  15. My name is SenkoGuru and I approve this message.
  16. You know I'm starting to see a lot of threads where people are saying a Duckett is the best rod they have ever used. I think they may be right.
  17. Thanks very much for the info, good stuff. Ok, since it weights more I'll take my 7'6 heavy to throw it on. This will make it easier since that rod is one that always goes with me any way. Thank you all for the help.
  18. Thanks for the info. The crankbait I bought said on the package 3/4 Oz so I'm not sure we are talking about the same one. http://www.***.com/Strike_King_KVD_80_Magnum_Squarebill_Crankbaits/descpage-SKKVDMS.html Strike King Length Weight Depth KVD 8.0 Magnum Squarebill 4-1/2" 3/4oz 3-7ft
  19. I am a Jig and plastic fisherman and spend 90% of my time fishing those baits, the other time is spent on topwaters and frog's. I am going to be going fishing with a buddy this weekend and was told where we are going he has been doing very well on the Strike King 8.0. crankbaits. I have pretty much any rod I would need and would expect to use a 5.3.1 reel with at least 17# to 20# line for this large bait but I'm unsure of which rod would be the best. I just went and bought 8 of those and I believe they are 3/4 Oz Cranks. I'm going to be limited on how many rod's and reels I will be taking because I'll be fishing in his boat from the back and not my own so I wanted to ask you guys what would you throw this bait on? I was thinking a 7'6 MH-Fast rod but was really unsure. Thanks for the help.
  20. I don't believe Shooter and red label is a fair comparison. One is $34.00 and the other is $10.00
  21. No it is recent, There is also a story on another fishing website site right now where Trey refused to honor a warranty because he said the man had two warranty claims already and he wouldn't do another on a brand new Z-Bone.. Kistler is simply unreliable on warranties some they will do but most they will not. Love the bass rod's, hate the warranty.
  22. I agree with you 100% that a real defect in the rod will show up very quickly and shouldn't take a year or more to show up. You would be getting a very good rod because Kistler does make nice stuff. It is simply the fact that even though the rod comes with the year warranty, there is a 75% chance Kistler will not honor it at all, I just wanted you to be aware of that and if you're ok with it then Kistler rods are a great choice. Good Luck and let us know how you like it.
  23. Kistler Rod's are a two edged sword. The rod's with the NFC blanks are simply fantastic and the others are very good rods too. Kistler makes good rods but then their is the other side of that sword and that part is that although Kistler rods are really good stuff, they pretty much have no warranty on the rods. Kistler has IMO the worst warranty ever, I know people who have bought $500 Z-bones and had them break three weeks later and Kistler would not warranty the rod but also banned them from ever using a warranty again, not only on that rod but any futures rods too. So just be aware that you are getting a really good rod but it pretty much has no warranty.
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