Friend you have no idea how much I want to hear the answer to this one. I've been told it is the balance and how great they fish, you would think they were sent to earth from Heaven but the sad truth is far from that. This is all IMO and I'm not trying to P!$$ any one off again (Don't get angry for me telling my opinion) but truthfully they were just like a Powell Max, with a little more balance and a whole lot of bling. I have no idea why people are so crazy over them. I tried the DX744 and just sat in my boat scatching my head and thinking to myself, I don't get it. It is NOT those Kigan guides, not better graphite, ok you got me on the balance, that it does have. TackleTour did a review on the Dobyn's 735C and they gave it a 7.9 and people were mad that they didn't rate it a 10. I mean give me a break, a 7.9 was a fair score imo, well ok, maybe a little to high but any way, I need to stop, I'm sure someone is getting angry again. Reading all of this I can see that you would think I am saying the Rod's are bad, I swear I'm not, they are good rods and better than a lot of rods out there. What I'm trying to say is they do not deserve the "Holy COW, God must have made them" Following.
EDIT........True story, this is why I said the bandwagon thing. I have seen people start a thread on buying a rod and name a few other than dobyn's, then the thread fills up with people screaming buy dobyns when that was not even mentioned, then when they are ask why do they like the Dobyns rods, the answer is "Well, I don't have a dobyn's, I just read on the internet they were the best" This happens over and over on almost all fishing forum's.