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Everything posted by SenkoGuru

  1. Well, Mr. hootie, it has not been shut down because I did nothing wrong, I have been nothing but respectful. Never not once have I wanted you to see it my way. I stated my own opinion and you and the others took it wrong and wanted to force your opinion onto me. I find it crazy that you would even say something along the line of people must agree with me, that is so really crazy, It is EXACTLY how it has come across from you and some of the others, I and others must agree with you or you will not stop. This is a fishing forum, I have as much right to voice my thoughts as you do and it seems if I do not agree with you then you will not drop it at all. SERIOUS issues is exactly the words I would use to describe you, you talk of ignoring me but then you have to get in one more jab and you just don't seem to be able to drop it, That is SERIOUS complex issues you have there friend. I'm a man, you respect me and I will respect back but I'm not going to bow before you. Teal, Just like I first stated, Happy for you and your new equipment, You had stated you have Xp with Powell rods and none with Dobyn's so I only offered up what I thought of both to give you an idea, it was never meant as a put down or anything other than my opinion on the two rods. I'm sorry this forum has some people who feel they are above others and must keep jabbing, You will love the new gear, catch a bunch.
  2. Good lord, I see this so much in threads about Dobyn's, I do not need to ask you a question about a dobyn's rod. I know everything I need to know about them. Someone else ask the question and I answered with my opinion, instead of adding your opinion for THEM you choose to take a jab. This is the same way most of the answers to that question always go from others. At least you did not say "Well, my uncle said they were the best".
  3. OK, We seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot here so let me try this one last time, while leaving out the part where we both try to get in the last smart reply. My "rant" was an answer to a question, which was the one that I Quoted, It was not a rant but since you feel angry you took it as a rant and instead of being the bigger man and over looking that I stayed par for the corse, which in truth added nothing to this thread. Instead of doing this, you could maybe answer why you like your Dobyn's Rods and help some of the other posters with the question that they ask instead of just being angry that I'm not a Dobyn's Fan. Thank you.
  4. Thanks I'm glad you enjoy them, anything to help out and at least your rants added something that would help us all understand your view on why they are so great.
  5. Friend you have no idea how much I want to hear the answer to this one. I've been told it is the balance and how great they fish, you would think they were sent to earth from Heaven but the sad truth is far from that. This is all IMO and I'm not trying to P!$$ any one off again (Don't get angry for me telling my opinion) but truthfully they were just like a Powell Max, with a little more balance and a whole lot of bling. I have no idea why people are so crazy over them. I tried the DX744 and just sat in my boat scatching my head and thinking to myself, I don't get it. It is NOT those Kigan guides, not better graphite, ok you got me on the balance, that it does have. TackleTour did a review on the Dobyn's 735C and they gave it a 7.9 and people were mad that they didn't rate it a 10. I mean give me a break, a 7.9 was a fair score imo, well ok, maybe a little to high but any way, I need to stop, I'm sure someone is getting angry again. Reading all of this I can see that you would think I am saying the Rod's are bad, I swear I'm not, they are good rods and better than a lot of rods out there. What I'm trying to say is they do not deserve the "Holy COW, God must have made them" Following. EDIT........True story, this is why I said the bandwagon thing. I have seen people start a thread on buying a rod and name a few other than dobyn's, then the thread fills up with people screaming buy dobyns when that was not even mentioned, then when they are ask why do they like the Dobyns rods, the answer is "Well, I don't have a dobyn's, I just read on the internet they were the best" This happens over and over on almost all fishing forum's.
  6. Oh man, I didn't see it getting much better than the Steez but that PX-R is something else. you're going to love it. I quit taking any spinning gear once I got mine. It will throw light baits a country mile spooled with 8# InvisX Flourocarbon. Teal, Looking forward to your reviews and everything to have to say about your new gear.
  7. I use a 6'10" Medium action fast tip for jerkbaits and topwaters. I have always tried to use either a medium action, fast tip or a medium heavy action, mod-fast Rod for those baits.
  8. No, It was never implied at all but you in your fit of I'm better than you, you sure took it that way. Also just because you have posted on some forum a lot more than some one else does not make you the elite guy you are sounding like you think you are but I know, you catch bigger fish, your boat is faster, your girl is better looking and your dad can beat up my dad...blah, blah, blah. You are still a little young so maybe a little more growing up but I would have expected more from a 31 year old. Teal, sorry your thread got out of hand, I sure did not mean it that way but I guess the elite took it that way. Enjoy your new fishing gear.
  9. Lol, If you could stop the dobyn's bandwagon for a second and get off your soap box and maybe read the post, nothing was said about inferior gear and nothing was ever said about any fishing gear I use but your such a Pro that a newbie like me shouldn't dare tell you that. How old are you any way kid?
  10. I hope you enjoy it. That reel is flat out awesome, you will love it. The rod is good too, well balanced and good for bottom contact. I am not saying it is bad (the dobyn's bandwagon is tough to deal with) I'm was just saying it is a lot like the Powell line with a higher tag. It is still a top of the line rod.
  11. and............ bandwagon rolls on
  12. Friend, I do not think I was pooping on any ones party. I'm happy he bought what he wants to buy with HIS money that he worked for. Hope he catches a lot of nice fish with it too. Now with that being said if you don't agree that the Dobyn's Rods are just over priced blinged out Powell Rods you are kidding yourself and just because they are, that still does not mean they are not nice rods because they are. I just stated that you are paying a larger price for what is pretty much a blinged out Powell Rod, The thing is, I had forgot that Dobyn's has such a blind bandwagon fan base, so please, excuse me, I'll move along now.
  13. That's great, we all should spent a little on something we want every now and then, I hope you enjoy the set up for a long time. I do kinda wish you would have bought a better rod though, you said you use Powell rods and to me the dobyns is just a Powell Rod with more bling and a bigger price. I guess that's why their are so many different rod company's though, we all feel differently about them and I'm just not a dobyns fan.
  14. I must admit, I am surprised to hear someone say the dual braking is bad on the Lew's, that is some of the best brakes I have fished with. It sounds like you would like the Lew's BB1 brakes, they are just like the Shimano's with the six-pin centrifugal braking system. As far as the baitcasters go, IMO, you will not go wrong with either reel, I LOVE the Daiwa Tatula and If I could only take one reel it would be the Lew's Team Pro's that I own but that is a major price difference. If you were to put a $100.00 Lew's VS the $100 Daiwa Tatula, it isn't even close. The Daiwa Tatula wins every time. I think if you want to palm the reels go with the Lew's tournament, that one has dual braking so it will throw better but if palming isn't needed I would go Tatula.
  15. I was a pretty big fan of Shimano and loved the curado E, then one day while at a store I bought a Lew's Team Pro and just went stupid. I sold all of my Shimano curado E's and bought Lew's and while I do really enjoy the Lew's and I am happy with them, they are not a Shimano Curado E. I find myself missing my Shimano Reels. My wife bought me a Daiwa Tatula Type R for Christmas and I would say it is a very nice baitcaster too, I really like it also. No on has been able to hold and use the new Shimano curado's yet but in truth you can't go wrong with any of those reel's they are all nice. If it was me knowing everything I know now and having had the other reels though, I would wait and get the new Shimano Curado. They have a good Rep for a reason, most of there reels are built solid. Also I would not go with the Lew's MG because of the mag breaks only, if you are going to get a Lew's atleast go with the Reg Lew's Tournament reels, it has dual breaking.
  16. The new Ghost 6'10" Medium is a great rod for this.
  17. There is one set up I don't go fishing with out. My 7'9" Xtra-Heavy Duckett White Ice with a Shimano Chronarch E and 65 pound power pro. I just bought a new set up and it is a 7'8" Xtra-Heavy Denali Kovert with a Shimano Citica G and also 65 pound power pro My last set up is for a little lighter pitching and it is a 7'3" Heavy Duckett White Ice with a Lew's Super duty. The Denali Kovert is a good rod but boy is it ever over matched by that White Ice.
  18. Um....I think you missed the point. They do not state it has an extra bearing on the pinion gear, they state that the AIR makes it much smoother, so wouldn't you think this is just a little miss leading? Any way, I don't really care, the reel is priced right and is one of my favorite reels, love the Daiwa Tatula Type-R. EDIT.........I did just think of one ploy I feel for like 15 years ago, I do not even remember the name of the worm but they came out with a plastic worm and when you bought it, it was like five worms rolled up in a pack. The ploy was to just unroll it, rig it up and throw it out and let it sit, it would wiggle and move all on it's own and drive the Bass crazy. One pack of those worms sold for like $12.00 for a pack of five. I was stupid enough to buy three packs.
  19. The new Daiwa Tatula with it's air rotation, they claim it makes the reel smoother. Now don't get me wrong, I really like the reel, Have a type-R and it is great but the air rotation they are marketing is nothing more than an extra bearing to support the pinion gear.
  20. I use a 7'1" Medium White Ice Rod with a 6:4.1 Team Lew's, Best Trap Rod I've ever fished. If I start to stay hung up in the grass I'll move to the 7'1" Med-hvy White Ice rod with a Lew's BB1 in 7:1.1 That Med-Hvy White ice rod has an amazing tip on it but turns to backbone half way down, great fishing rod.
  21. No question about it, if you have a family and need to go low price get the H2o Mettle, it is a whole lot for a small price ($50.00). I do not see how they sell it for that price to start with and if you can wait they will soon have a sale on them and you can buy them for $39.99. Very good reel for the price. Now if you can save up the money to that $115 that Mr. Ron was talking about the Daiwa Tatula is a Beast of a reel, you will love it.
  22. I can vouch for the Denali Kovert 7'8" Extra Heavy. It is a very nice rod and I'll be using it for punching and flipping, along side a Duckett White Ice 7'9" Extra Heavy. Both Rods are great for their price range. I was honestly surprised with how nice the Kovert is, I had doubt on ordering the Denali because I'm pretty diehard on White Ice Rods but now I'm glad I did. I'll be buying the Denali Kovert 7'2" Heavy and the 6'9" Med-Hvy very soon they are that nice. I know I'm new here but if you knew me, this is a huge statement, I really don't fish anything other than Duckett Rod's so this is high praise for Denali.
  23. I just bought a Denali Kovert but I got the 7'8" X-Hvy for flipping punching. IMO, The Kovert is built very well and seems like it will be a great Rod. I plan to buy the 6'10" Kovert next month and I would say go with the Denali BUT I have not fished either rod you have ask about, I only replied because I just bought a Denali Kovert and was pleasantly surprised by how nice it is.
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