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Everything posted by SenkoGuru

  1. I own all of those reels but mine is a Quantum Smoke 150, not sure if that would matter, should be the same size knobs as the 100 Smoke but give me a little while and I will take them off and see if they will fit my Lew's reels.
  2. Yes, as others have already said, frog rods do not need to be high dollar rod's. You do not need them to be sensitive. The only thing I would say is if you can, IMO, you should lean toward a more moderate action rod for frogging with braided line. I enjoy the moderate action much more and I'm convinced that with 65# braided line it really does help. There are lots of cheaper priced frog rods that will work great just look around and find one you will be happy with.
  3. Duckett Fishing 250 Conner Island Parkway Guntersville, AL 35976
  4. Thanks guys, this has been the worst few weeks of my whole life. My cousin died a couple a weeks ago and on the way home from the funeral I get a call that my father has had a heart attack. In my haste to get to the hospital I wrecked my wife's truck and hurt my neck pretty badly too. I stay with my father for the week and the doctor says he is doing much better so I decide I need a day of fishing, While on the lake my trolling motor goes out and I loose the incert from the tip of my Flipping rod. I though man it can't get any worse last night when I was posting this but this morning I get a phone call and it is the Hospital, They then proceed to tell me my father passed away 20 minutes before the call. Some times life has a way of knocking you right in the gut. I made the mistake of saying I can't take much more last night, I won't make that same mistake again today. If you have loved ones around you, stop reading this right now and go hug them and tell them you love them. If they are not with you, call them right now and tell them you love them. You never know when you will never see them again.
  5. I have a Duckett Micro Magic Rod 7'6 Extra heavy and the tip has busted and the incert has fallen out. Is this something I can fix here at my home or will I need to take it to a pro and have a new tip put onto the rod. I've never fooled with this kid of stuff before and I do not want to mess it up but a buddy said it was really no big deal and I couldn't mess it up? What do you guys think? Contact Duckett and get a tip that is the right one and go from there? or take it to someone who knows what they are doing? Thanks very much guys it has been a really bed couple of weeks and they are starting to take a toll on me.
  6. I grew up very poor with a loving family that worked hard and had good values. I learned to fish on very cheap gear and I loved every second of it. Now that I'm older and I have a family of my own, I've been lucky enough to have good work ethic's and a great job. I am now able to buy good fishing gear and I have bought a LOT of it. It has never made me a better fisherman but it has sure made me enjoy fishing a whole lot more. I Spoil my son by letting him fish with Megabass rod's and TDZ reels. I have came a long way since my dad and me were fishing cheap $20 rod and reel combo's. I am teaching my son the basic's of fishing and how to be a good person, he is just lucky enough to be doing it on good equipment. Here is a good example. My Son's high school has a fishing team and a fishing club in the school, it took us a long time to get this going and this will be the first year my son gets to fish it. My wife told me the other day, that our son should have a big advantage with that giant room full of fishing gear that I have collected over the years. I was quick to correct her and let her know that the equipment would not give him an advantage, that he would need to know when and when to use what type of bait in what cover and that I had taught him those things over the years and that would be where he would get an advantage, if he had one at all.
  7. If you're looking to stay in that same price range I would highly suggest taking a look at the Duckett White Ice line of rod's. they are great. As other have already said stay far away from the Savvy line of rod's. The Ex6 are a little tip heavy but they are a fair rod.
  8. Batson, It is my understanding that the new 2015/Castaway Skeleton V2 Casting Rods are using the Rainshadow Revelation rod blanks. Anything you could tell me about this, I am interested in purchasing one of those rod's to test out and see how I like it. I have noticed that castaway has a 7'4 extra heavy action with a mod-fast taper listed but the rainshadow revelation line does not have this same blank listed. Thank you.
  9. Are those the only ones you're looking at getting? I would tell you to look into the Megabass Orochi XX line of rods too, They are great. Also the Duckett White Ice series is a very sensitive rod line if you like micro guides. Out of the ones you listed though it would be 1. G.Loomis 2. Shimnao 3. castaway 4. anything 100. Dobyn's...mostly buying the name and there are many cheaper rods that are much improved over the dobyn's older rods. Although I will say the Fury is a good rod at the $100 price line. This is just my opion and I'm sure other can also give you theirs.
  10. Frog fishing is very fun and I've used a great number of rods trying to find one that just felt perfect. I am a very big Duckett fan and they have some GREAT frog rod's, the Terex 7'4" Heavy is designed by Dean Rojas and he made it perfect for fishing frog's. Now having said that I did try out the IRod 7'5 Heavy "Fred's Magic Stick" and I was very impressed by it, so much so that I went and bought my own. It is a fantastic rod for frog's and I think you would find it to be that way also. I will have to agree with tom and say it is one to take a look at. At this time I have a Megabass Perfect Pitch that is my main frog rod but I also take out a lot more to frog fish with depending on my mood. The duckett White Ice 7'3 Heavy, Duckett Terex 7'4" Heavy, IRod 7'5 Heavy, Daiwa Tatula 7'4 Heavy and a Denali Rosewood 6'10 Heavy Frog Rod'. Out of all of those the Irod is very high up the list, it is a great frog rod. A lot of the time, around where I live at I find myself fishing under a lot of cypress tree's and when I do that I frog fish with the denali 6'10 Heavy frog rod.
  11. You should go with the heavy action. Duckett rods are great but they are a little softer than other brands so the Heavy power will be perfect for what you are looking to do with it.
  12. I understand your point on Daiwa's and you're right but that doesn't mean it is something that Shimano doesn't do also, because they do. They make the product as cheap as they can and that means using the same machines to make frames. They both do it. I own the CI4, Metanium and Curado I they are cut from the same cloth but made from different materials and some may have a minor depth change but they are still made this way to save the company money. Both Shimano and Daiwa are both very high quality products, even though the company has to make them as cheap as they can. that is simply how business works.
  13. Well, maybe it is just me but the Citica I, Curado I, CI4 and Metanium all seem to look like the same frame with different materials. Before that the Caenan, Ctica G and curado G were all the exact same frame too.
  14. And.........Shimano Doesn't? I think the Daiwa Tatula is one of the better reels on the market and it is well worth the asking price, although I buy mine much cheaper, I still think it is a fantastic reel. I do not find the new Zillion to be as good though, the old Zillion is a classic.
  15. In you price range, I would get a Daiwa Alpha SV baitcaster and a 7'0" Medium Heavy Duckett Micro Magic Pro rod. It is a perfect combo for Senko's.
  16. Different strokes for different folks and before Hootie answers me.....(that's what she said)
  17. They are one of the best $100 rods that you can buy.
  18. Duckett doesn't have a Terex 6'6" that would work for what you are wanting so I if I was you I would look at some other brands. I hope this helped. Good luck.
  19. You picked out a great combo to start with it is very nice and I think you would love the Duckett/Lew's combo, It will be great. Good luck and let us know how you like your new combo.
  20. I did not mean that they are not great casting reels because they are. I meant they do not out cast my Shimano or Lew's reels like Daiwa is trying to say that they do. I am also a very big Daiwa fan so take this as you will. I love the Tatula reels though.
  21. Sorry I've been awol for a little while for fathers day and some other things. I know a great deal about Duckett rods and the one's you have mentioned are not going to be what you are looking for. The rod you would want would be a Duckett Terex 7'0" Medium heavy or Terex 7'3 Medium heavy. I know people think the Terex is the exact same as the Macro Magic but in truth it is not.
  22. I own 11 Tatula's and Tatula Type-R reels. I didn't get them as soon as they came out but I've had them for at least a year and they have been fished a great deal. They have held up just fine. They are not the super caster, that is true just like DVT has said but I do find that they require less effort to throw or pitch with.
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