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Everything posted by SenkoGuru

  1. I think it is the Soft metal inserts in the Ghost line guides. I have heard that those have pitted in the past and frayed braided line on other rods that had the same eye's. I do not think the Ghost line has been out long enough for us to see if this will be the case with them though. I can't give you a straight answer because I am thinking no one knows 100% yet.
  2. It would be very tough to pick which reel I like more out of the Daiwa Tatula Type-R and the Lew's BB1 Pro. They are both so good, The BB1 Pro Will palm easier and the weight of the BB1 Pro is lighter. They really both throw about the same also. I truly can not give you a straight answer as to why but I really like the Tatula reels, they just feel very well built to me and smooth. I would really hate to know that I could only choose one reel out of the both of those because those two are my favorite that I own. I think a lot more people would like the way the BB1 Pro palms because the Tatula sticks out on the front of the reel because of the T-Wing System. I think you could not go wrong with either reel though.
  3. I own and fish with Lew's Tournament Lew's BB1 Lew's BB1 Pro Lew's Super Duty Lew's Team Gold Team Lew's Lew's Team Pro Out of all of those I really like the Lew's BB1 Pro it is just a great Reel but I really do not think Lew's makes a bad reel. I'm not sure how it happened but I have just never got around to buying a Lew's Tournament Pro. It is one reel I was going to get but when I started to buy one I skipped out and bought two Daiwa Tatula Type-R Instead. I need to pick up a Lew's TP soon though. I wish I had more Lew's BB1 Pro, those reels are fantastic.
  4. I really don't mind what brand you fish with or what you like, you go fish it and you enjoy it but when you start to lead someone else, whom seems new and they are asking questions. I can not and will not let you lead them wrong with really, really bad info. If you want to answer questions, maybe you should know what you're doing before answering. Have a good day.
  5. I would take a guess that you would know. I'm still laughing over that statement of a punching rod less than 7'10" Is from a company that doesn't know how to make a punching rod. I'll give it to you, that may be the biggest load of bull I have ever read on any bass forum, ever, so................congrats you have the title. Enjoy it.
  6. The Powell Inferno and the Duckett Ghost are pretty much the same rod except for the Color and the cork / foam handles.
  7. The Duckett White Ice 7'8" XX-Heavy is all you will ever need, pretty much an amazing punching Rod.
  8. Congrats Powell makes some good stuff. I hope you catch a lot of Bass on the new fishing rod. When you are able you should add an extra $20 and buy a Powell Endurance. If you really like the Inferno that much then the Endurance will = MIND BLOWN.
  9. Dean Rojas is a Pro staff member with Duckett and he does have some new Duckett Frog rods coming out and one of them will have regular guides and not micro guided. I am sure it will be a great Rod and I can't wait to get one but the problem is no one really knows when it will be released, it could even be next years before it is out.
  10. Look at that toad!!!! In Shaw Grigsby voice................................
  11. Well, While I have not used either of those rods. I think your question can be answered by the weight of the baits you will be fishing and the type of cover you will be fishing.
  12. grantman, it is just this kind of fanboy type talk that drives me. I show up to every Dobyn's thread? This thread had Duckett in it too. and I can go right now and show a dozen threads named with some other fishing rod brand that the Dobyns fanboys have invaded screaming "Get the dobyns" Trust my I can made points just as good as you Doybns boys can. I see your name a lot on GASP!!! a fishing forum too but you keep pushing that dobyns, by now it is expected of you. I retract the Brandon statement for now, we will talk more on it later.
  13. Denali makes a very nice fishing rod also and who could leave out Duckett Fishing.
  14. I use the 7'3" Heavy Duckett White Ice for Frogging and love it, I've never had a problem with the micro guides. I also have a Powell Endurance 725 and it is also a good frog rod. I just like the White Ice more.
  15. You are 100% right iabass8. I have grown so sick and tried of listening to the fan boys all over the internet about Dobyn's that in my haste to stop it, I became one myself. It has been more about fighting the Dobyn's bandwagon than it has been about talking up another rod brand. I am Duckett through and through but I've always known that the best rod is just a personal opinion too. I didn't start out this way, just the years of seeing the monster made me start to act out. Truth is every one has their own favorite rods and reels, that is why their is so many different companies out there. Find the fishing rod you like best and enjoy this great sport we all love. From now on my post will go back to what they use to be, I like duckett but not satying it is better than anything else because in the end it is just my own opinion.
  16. I will tell you that price does not = Quality and that $350 DX is over priced. Take a look at MegaBass or Gloomis and tell me you would pay that $350 over buying one of those rods? You can Buy a Powell Endurance for $150, so that carbon hood and some paint makes the price go up $200? I'll stick with the $200 Duckett White Ice, thanks. EDIT.........No Sir those pro's are not doing the same thing. I own those rods and they are VERY different rods in the White Ice series.
  17. Kistler KLX is a good rod, no doubt but the warranty is the worst I have ever seen. You are pretty much buying a rod with no warranty. If it doesn't break you will be very happy with that rod and if it does break, well, time to buy another one. You will love that White Ice Rod. Let us know what you think about it.
  18. This question can not be answered on fair grounds. Dobyn's has far to many people who are paid or given a discount on the rods for them to ever speak against the Dobyn's rod. The truth though is Dobyn's is an over priced Powell Rod and no where near as good as the Pro staff would have you think. Duckett is MUCH lighter, better build quality at a MUCH better price, and great balance, Duckett has many different Bass Pro's who have built the rods that have been proven in tournament over and over, not one man making them the way he likes. A short list of Duckett Pro's, Dean Rojas, Brandon Palaniuk, Terry Scroggins, Pete Ponds, Kelly Jordon, Byron Velvick , Timmy Horton, Jason Williamson, Kenyon Hill, J Todd Tucker, Byron Haseotes and I'm sure I've missed a few. EDIT.......I 100% agree with iabass8 this is going to be good and very funny. Just wait, It is coming. The Dobyn's guys will not all be here until later.
  19. I would hate to see you pay that $50.00 more for an inferior rod. Stick with the White Ice. You will LOVE it.
  20. Well, This is tough to argue, If you like the handle on the *** and it does not blister your hand then yes, It is a fine rod, The rod as a whole is good. I think the blank on the Ghost is better than the *** and the handle for SURE is better on the Ghost. The eye's on the *** are better and it is a nice blank on it as well. I can not fish the *** because the handle is so bad. Where the *** out shines the Ghost is on the Rod Eye's. While I am a Duckett fan I hate the Eye's on the Ghost rod's. The *** is an awesome rod, I can not knock it down at all but If I had to choose either the *** or The Ghost rod, Well, I think every one knows I would get the Ghost but the *** is not bad if you can deal with the handle.
  21. I consider myself a Pro on the Duckett White Ice rods. I own 18 Ducketts, 2-Ghost, 3-Micro Magic and 13-White Ice and have fished them since release. If you are looking for one of the best Duckett White Ice Frog Rods made here is your answer. The 7'3" Heavy Pete Ponds White Ice, it is the best for frogging. I have tried the 7'7" Heavy White Ice, the 7'1" Heavy White Ice and the 7'0" Heavy Micro Magic. The 7'3" White Ice Heavy was MUCH better for frog's. Please trust me one this one. I hope you find a rod that fits you and you catch many bass on it. Good fishing. Edit...... I also tried a Dobyn's 744DX, a Powell Endurance 725, a Diawa Tatula 7'4" Frog rod and a 6'10 Denali Frog Rod. The 7'3" Heavy White Ice was, IMO, MUCH better for frogging and it is the one I stayed with. Now take this as what I think after fishing with them all. Every one has different taste and for me, the Duckett Rods just put a smile on my face. I am not paid by any one this is what I think and feel only. If you have any question on the Duckett's please let me know. I can take any pictures or give any info you may need on this rod' .
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