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Everything posted by SenkoGuru

  1. Could you please tell me where you found the White Ice for $100? I would be there in the morning. I'm also thinking you meant Duckett Ghost rod's. If you meant the White Ice, then you made a very, very bad choice, that Shimano is nothing upside the Duckett White Ice but if you meant the Ghost rod then yes, I say you will be fine with your choice.
  2. I buy many more rods than Reels. I've tried almost every brand of fishing Rods through the last few years, just trying to find what I thought was the best. I enjoy buying reels too but I think the Rod is leaps and bounds more important. If I only had say $200 to spend, I'm spending like $150 on the Rod and $50 on the Reel, the rod is that important. I've got to be able to feel what is going on under the water and the reel can't do that for me.
  3. I use to own around five Powell Max and and four Powell Endurance rod's. I still really like Powell Rods and think they are great rods but I sold all of my Powells except for the Powell Max 703 and I couldn't bring myself to part with it. I replaced all my Powells with Ducketts for a reason. I now own 18 Duckett, 2-Ghost, 3-Micro Magic and 13-White Ice. They are the best I've ever fished with and I have fished close to every rod made except for Megabass, GLoomis and Airrus.
  4. I would like to know, If they are under rated, then what are they under rated compared to? There is no Rod standard. Maybe the other rods are just over rated? I'm a Duckett guy, through and through but the rods you are trying to compare is not really fair. If you can buy the $160 rod for $100 Then it shouldn't be much of a question. Go with it.
  5. A 6'10" or 7'0" Medium-fast for all treble hook baits ETC........ A 7'0" Medium Heavy for Swimjigs, Spinnerbaits, Soft plastics ETC..... A 7'3" Heavy for Frog's, Jigs, Football jigs ETC... All Casting rods, I do not fish with spinning gear.
  6. I'm going to take it that you are a Soldier? If that is correct I want to say from my heart, thank you so much for everything that you do for us. I have a great deal of respect for the men and women in the armed forces. Be safe, get home soon and get some fishing done.
  7. That is great. It is a very nice reel and it sounds like you are blessed with a wonderful family.
  8. Thank you all for the kind comments. I had a very good Father's Day and I hope you all did as well. I've been blessed with a loving wife and great children. My new Curado will be going onto my 7'3" Medium Heavy Duckett White Ice Rod.
  9. The family picked me up a new Curado I for Fathers Day. Excited to get out and fish with it.
  10. You need to know that Duckett Rods are a step lighter than what most rods are marked at. If you are using a medium heavy veritas, then a heavy action Duckett would be closer to that MH veritas action. A Medium Heavy will feel like a medium action veritas. Also, I would go with the 7'3" Heavy Duckett Ghost for what you are wanting to do. Hope this helps.
  11. Oh well, At least he is getting a good fishing rod.
  12. Breaks my heart every time I see another one lost
  13. I do, I have two of this exact model. I use one for Frog's and the other for Jig's. I also own 12 other Duckett White Ice. I have a 7'8" XX-Heavy I use for punching but back to the 7'3" Heavy. It is one of the best rod's I've ever used.The tip of this rod is extremely sensitive and it will load up perfect for throwing or pitching your bait and has the strength to pull the bass out of thick cover. I simply can not say enough good things about this rod. Great balance, light weight and strong, it is a very sensitive rod and you are able to feel even the lightest of bite's. I have some pictures of it in my photos and I can take any pictures or answer any questions you may have about this rod.
  14. The Duckett White Ice 7'3" Heavy Pete Ponds. This is a Awesome frog rod. Perfect tip, great balance, micro guide eye's and the strength to pull them out of the thick grass. I've used a bunch of different Rod's for frogging and this is the best I've found. You will love it.
  15. Those reels will not last you very long. They will start off feeling smooth but it will break down soon and not be very smooth after that. They are made cheap so they can be sold at a hot price point in the market. They will not hold up to frog fishing. If you are low on money I would tell you to buy an Academy H2o Mettle or a BPS Pro Qualifier reel. The Mettle can be bought any where from $35.00 to $49.00 and the BPS PQ is around $85.00. They are both very solid reels and would be worth the price. Those reels will last you for a while too. I know it does not sound right but those Academy reels are very good reel's.
  16. I love SeaGuar but I have been having some trouble with my InvizX poping like it was dry rotted. You could take it into your hands and just pop the line and it would break. This was 17# line too. I have switched over to Vicious Pro Elite Fluorocarbon. So far I really like this line, It has been very good.
  17. The best reels out right now at the $200.00, which this is just a friendly IMO are. 1 Daiwa Tatula, 2 Lew's BB1 Pro, 3 Shimano Curado I
  18. They are both very good rod's. You would be happy with either one. The Duckett is going to be the better rod, IMO. I own and fish with both Rod's and I like both rods but the Duckett fishes better.
  19. I am a Duckett Man, through and through but the Denali Kovert caught my eye a while back and I ordered some from Valley Sports. The Rod's seem to be well made and of good quality, They have good sensitivity for the price of the rods. The only problem I have with them at all is that they are VERY tip heavy and are a little heavier rod than what I am use to fishing with (Duckett). I do like them and I do think they are well worth the price Denali ask for them but sometime it is very hard to over look the tip heaviness of the rod. I'm not sure why Denali choose to put so many more line guides on the Kovert than was needed. I think this is why they are so tip heavy.
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