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Everything posted by SenkoGuru

  1. Holy Catfish Batman, The Riddler is making fishing rods now!
  2. Is Enigma a Bass Pro Shops brand? I need to go look them up because I do not know this company but it seems like I remember seeing a Enigma reel at BPS. I mean after all it isn't like I already fish a solid White fishing rod any way............
  3. Well, I have mixed feelings on this one. I fell for the hype last year and bought a Denali Kovert 7'8" X-Hvy flipping stick, sight unseen, my normal rods, which I love are Duckett White Ice models and I flip with a 7'9" X-hvy White Ice, When my Denali Kovert came in I was pretty upset I just spent the money on it. It was VERY heavy, unbalance and VERY tip heavy. I was not happy at all. Compared to the duckett it was like picking up a tire tool when you were use to holding a pencil. While out on the water one day I wanted to start flipping buck brush and once I went into my rod box, I remembered I had loaned out my Duckett and the only rod in the box was the Denali. I took it out and went to flipping. After fishing with the rod that day and hooking a few good fish, I must say, I like the rod a lot better. Yes, it is still VERY heavy but the blank is nice and it has a soft tip that load's up well. This one trip made me keep that rod and I now use it to fish with some. It still isn't close to my regular flipping rod but if you can find it for $100 like I did, I would say it is well worth that price.
  4. Buying much better gear did not make me a better fisherman but it sure made me want to go fishing a lot more.
  5. I have not used that exact Rod but I did want to point out that the line guides may not be the best choice for Frog fishing with Braided line. You may want to study a little on it before buying. If you do not use braid then it should be fine. Good Luck
  6. In My humble opinion the best two from your list are the Pennicle Perfecta and the Powell 3D. If I was choosing from that same list it would be one of those two rods. Please let us know which you choose and then after fishing with it let us know how much you like it. I always enjoy hearing what others think of the fishing equipment they use. Good Luck.
  7. http://www.alxrods.com/ The Zolo is a fantastic Rod. There are a lot of good suggestions on here. The Kistler KLX is great also but I worry a lot about Kistlers warranty.
  8. I have and use four Curado D's and they are built like a tank and very nice reels. They are still going strong.
  9. I'll be honest I'm surprised, I thought you would say Vicious Fluorocarbon. Having said Invisix Then my opinion would be to switch to Mono. There are better Fluorocarbon lines but at a larger price, Invisix is very good line.
  10. I also would be very interested in which Fluorocarbon line you used? There is a big difference in Fluorocarbon and Mono for bottom contact baits. Maybe some of us could steer you towards a better Fluoro and you could maybe try it one more time? Sunline Defier Armilo is fantastic line and it has very little stretch. If you want the best Mono then this is most likely it.
  11. It is a vicious cycle. I got onto the Rod kicks years ago and I've went through some cash, I just got this itch that I couldn't scratch. I had to try all of the different brands of fishing Rod's. Now with a spare room full of rods and reels I'm now getting the itch to try reels the same way and buying a ton of those. At last count I think I have 19 Duckett's alone and that's not counting the 15-18 other brands I have bought at least one of, some more, just to compare. It is a ride I wish I could get off of TBH. If my wife had any idea how much that stuff has cost I may be headed for a divorce. She is already upset because I believe in catch and release and she wants catch and fry. The best thing I can say is just enjoy the ride and don't think about the money.
  12. http://www.alxrods.com/ You're welcome
  13. Got to admit they do look nice. Thanks for the heads up.
  14. I would agree always buy the best you can afford. You will be much happier with that one great rod than you would be with two good rods.
  15. I have been fishing Daiwa reels since the 80's and guess what? I have never had an Issue. I've been fishing Shimano for a long time, although not as long as Daiwa and the only issue I have ever had with Shimano was the clicking that the Curado D reels made until they were broken in and the rubber pad piece on the clutch bar falling off of a metanium. I've never had a issue with Shimano that stopped me from being able to fish with the reel though. The only problem reels I've ever had were Quantums.
  16. If you think for one second that some private message you CLAIM is between you and Diawa is 100% proof you are even worse off than I thought. That so called message is proof of nothing at all, would you like for me to fake a message from Daiwa stating I can fly? I'm am not saying it is 100% fake but I am saying it does not prove anything. How do we know that is in fact from Daiwa? How do we know you did not put your line on wrong? How do we know you did not buy the reel that way? How do we know you did not snag a lure and try to pull it free? (which the booklet with the reel says to never do because it will damage the TWS) How do we know this was not faked? How do we know you are not a Shimano fanboy or any other reel supported fanboy? How do we know you're not just trolling? Their are hundreds more that I could list but why bother. Daiwa has sold countless numbers of the TWS system and we have had what? I would bet less that 1% claiming grooving? Those odds say to me their is a problem with the owner of the reel or they bought a reel that was already grooved and didn't notice it. Daiwa has NOT admitted it. Any where. Every one has pretty much said what I said, they just did not come straight out and say it. You have had experience with me? Some how I doubt that. Your words are insulting and I find you pathetic. EDITED....Shimano is a fine company and Stands on their own merits, what I was meaning was worded wrong, I did not mean this kid was a shimano rep, I meant a Shimano AND/OR ANY other reel company Fanboy that loves that product and bashes the others hot reel of the time. I also did not say this was the case, it was list along with tons or other things as one possible reason.
  17. Well, I'm going to say what every one else is thinking but are most likely holding back. I do NOT believe it. One of three things happened. Those reels were bought that way, they were damaged by people who did not know what they were doing or they were all a FAKE! Why would you take pictures from some where else on another forum? Why not end your tread? I have so many questions for you that I can't even think of them all to write down at one time. You talked with Daiwa and they told you to send it in but you went back to BPS? Man, none of your story makes any kind of sense at all. I know my dad use to say if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then I'm pretty d**n sure it is a duck.
  18. Thanks I will look those up. Have any of you guys tried out the Zero Gravity Jigs? I really like the idea of a jig that falls like a Senko.
  19. Right now I am using dirty jig's but After reading this topic, I have a feeling I will be trying out a few Siebert Jig's.
  20. I think we can all agree that South bend hooks and Shakespear OmniFlex Fishing line is the best!
  21. I've had 3 Tatula's since the day they were released (1ST-Gen) and I now own 10 total. I have fished Braid, Fluoro and Mono on them with HEAVY fishing and I've have not had one problem at all in any way. Diawa also has some of the best customer service in the business. I am just unsure what to think on this grooving issue, it is like maybe 1% that have this grooving and I'm just not believing 100% it is the reels fault. The instructions manual for those that bothered to read it clearly state's do not pull on a bait that is hung up because it can damage the TWS if you do. I believe a lot of the people that have the grooving have hung a bait up and tried to pull it free or done other things to damage the TWS. I do not believe the TWS is just grooving on it's own because mine and about 20 other people I know personally have fished the HELL out of the Tatula's with out any damage at all.
  22. I'll be honest I am thinking about buying a *** ***. It wasn't really about the color, I just wanted one of their reels but once I seen the White one I knew it would look great on one of my White Ice Rod's. I didn't buy the Ducketts because they were white in color I bought them because after years of buying different rods and not being happy with them, the Duckett's were the best I found. They are simply fantastic Fishing Rod's, it was just a big bonus that they are white in color and TBH my Black and Red Tatula Type-R's doesn't look to bad sitting on them..
  23. The *** is not leaps and bounds better than the Ghost and the handle of the *** is a deal breaker for me. While it is a good rod, it has the worst grip I have held on a rod. Also the first batch of Ghost rods did turn yellow looking but the problem has been fixed, it was a bad batch of epoxy from what I have been told and the newer ones do not do that. My Vote goes to the Duckett Ghost.
  24. Well, I would like it if my Rod and Reels matched but I have 19 White Rods with Black and Red Reels so I guess the short answer is No, it doesn't really bother me that they don't match. The thought has crossed my mind before that I wished my reels were White though.
  25. I own 2 Team Lew's, a Team Lew's Pro, Team Lew's Gold, Lew's Super Duty, Lew's BB1 and Lew's BB1 Pro. Out of all of those reels I enjoy fishing with the Lew's BB1 Pro the most.
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