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  • Location
    Central, KY
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Wheeler Lake, AL

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  1. I know of the PRP stuff but have no personal experience with it. It seems it might be worth a try though. I have shoulder issues myself but I don’t think they’re the same as yours. I’ve never had them truly diagnosed outside of my PCP being pretty certain it’s a connective tissue issue, so this might not be applicable to you. I had pretty good results with a chiropractor. It was strictly pain relief obviously. No actual repair. I think it’s called acupressure. He basically applied quite a bit of pressure to a trigger point. Honestly I figured it was going to be a waste of time but it did help significantly with pain. Have you tried one of those TENS units? I’ve never used one on my shoulder but I have used with some pain reduction success on muscle issues. I feel for you man. Shoulder pain can be pretty debilitating. Thankfully mine is intermittent but when it hurts it’s bad. I hope you get some relief soon.
  2. For me if it’s not landed it doesn’t count towards truly getting the skunk off. That said I’d rather get bit and lose one than not get bit at all, as painful as that can be. It’s a skunk but not a complete shutout in my opinion. At least you got bit. If you got to go fishing you that’s a win.
  3. That was quite the last few minutes. I love a race that comes down to the end. Only thing I can think of was when that last one swung back to the back deck. Looked like it was gonna hit but couldn’t see on camera. Maybe some are assuming it did. Either way wouldn’t that have amounted to a 2 min penalty with the fish still counting? I’m not a MLF rules expert so maybe I’m wrong but the outcome would’ve been the same I believe.
  4. I’m just now getting to start watching the replay of today. Didn’t see any of yesterday. My first thought is that I really dig B Coulter’s headwear.
  5. I get being cynical. I’m pretty cynical myself. I tell my wife I’m just being realistic but it’s negative nevertheless. Try not to let it have a negative effect on you. Tom I can guarantee you that the number of folks on these forums who appreciate your advice and admire your achievements exponentially outnumber whoever has whatever ignorant issues with this or that. People are gonna have differences of opinion and debate and I think that’s ok. Name calling and the like you could prob take as a compliment as generally people who resort to that are insecure and largely negative. Rather than admitting that they might not know everything and eating their slice of humble pie like all of us have to from time to time they resort to trying to bring others down to elevate themselves. That I believe has the opposite effect. If you’re a target for this nonsense you’re probably doing something right.
  6. For full disclosure I don’t know a heck of a lot about 2 stroke OBs and even less about 4 stroke. I’d guess it will fire up pretty easily with no special precautions. A lot of money hanging off there though. If it were mine I might give the intake tract a quick once over to make sure no critters have put anything in there you wouldn’t want sucked into your engine. I’d also turn the engine over by hand a couple revolutions to make sure everything feels okay. Might google doing that on your specific engine. May make no difference but on some 4 stroke dirt bikes you do not want to turn the engine over in the wrong direction even by hand. Different animal but still worth checking.
  7. It’s just my opinion but I think you’re way better off with weak (and it’s probably not as weak as you would lead us to believe) flesh and a strong spirit than the other way around. Hope you heal up quickly. Edit: and I’m glad your efforts to not get skunked were not in vain.
  8. Sorry should’ve clarified that. I believe the setup I tie that on has 14# sniper. Its for sure on the heavy side but it’s one of those deals where the setup is kind of a multi purpose combo that ended up being my favorite rod action wise for fishing a jerkbait.
  9. Thanks guys. Definitely don’t want to throw any money out on something that doesn’t need to be fixed. There’s enough stuff always needing to be fixed around here to keep any money from accumulating in my pockets.
  10. I don’t fish a jerk bait a ton but I’ve had pretty good luck with shadow rap deep. It’s advertised at the deep end of the range you’re talking (6’) but with my setup it seems to run shallower. More like 4-5’. It’s been a good producer for me when I do fish a jerkbait. It seems to outshine the others I have in my boxes when I’m fishing close to bluff walls or steep transitions.
  11. Yep. It’s medicated now but prior to that it was pretty typical for me to be 150s/100. Medicated it is usually 120-130/80. If I’ve been staying up on cardio it’ll dip to the point that I have to taper the meds down, same deal if I’m off work for 3-4 days.
  12. This hose has exhibited what I’m calling wrinkles in the inside of the bend for some time. No leakage that I can see at fittings etc. Kind of looks to me like the sheathing has delaminated from the inside of the hose. Maybe not a big issue but I’m no expert in hydraulic hoses. Looking for opinions on whether it should be replaced or not. The other hose doesn’t have them and is actually in a tighter radius. It’s due for new gland seals on the cylinder and given the time I had bleeding the system last time I figure if the hose needs replaced I’d rather do it at the same time and bleed it once. Thanks for any advice.
  13. I’ve heard that as well. Pretty neat story!
  14. I’ve do better boy some years. I always do early girl and mortgage lifter. I like German pink but I don’t always grow them.
  15. I agree that there’s no comparison in taste. Last year I didn’t put out a garden but typically I do. I usually grow a few varieties of tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeños, broccoli, and some type of green in a spot in the yard. Occasionally some cucumbers and squash as well. Out in the field I’ll sometimes grow a patch of silver queen corn. I try to keep it pretty simple. I hope to get back on track this year, we have a lot of those stink bugs here and they’ve been pretty hard on my tomatoes. Probably a part of why I didn’t grow anything last year. Just part of it though.
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