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Everything posted by spartyon8

  1. My rod has one of these but it leaves an open hook that seems to grab everything. Either I hook by the weight and the hook tangles up on everything or I hook by the hook and the weight gets twisted around everything. I tried spinning the rod around a few times but then I can never get the weight untangled on itself.
  2. How does everyone store, or put away, their ds setups? This seems like the only one that always messes up my rod locker.
  3. I tie off to the dock, back trailer all the way to get the bunks wet, pull forward a bit, grab rope and guide boat on, climb onto front of trailer and pull, hook up winch, reel tight then finish cranking after I pull out for the next guy. I am too afraid of wrecking a prop or the boat by powerloading. My uncle does it but I am not at ease with it.
  4. I caught a 38" one on 8lb flouro and a Havoc Pit Boss.
  5. Only if you can find powder! I am a WIN231 abuser and cannot find it to save my life. Not willing to change recipes to accommodate others as I have it dialed in perfectly with 231.
  6. Better than in your boot, Woody!
  7. spartyon8

    .22 Long Rifle

    My biggest question is moisture. For how loose 22s are crimped, I'm sure a TON of ammo will be duds in 10 years.
  8. I have never seen anything like that with Winchester stuff but sometimes manufacturers add a sealer to their primers to keep moisture out. Usually it is like nail polish not the gunk yours show.
  9. As said above, my motorguide arrow will spin by hand.
  10. Always...always...always check the ground. I always have issues with a ground somewhere. It is usually the ground wire at the plug. You shouldn't need two full length ground wires. Take some sandpaper and clean where all three grounds attach until they are shiney metal.
  11. I forgot about Slapshot. I love that movie.
  12. Lews tourney pro and use the rest to buy other crap.
  13. Big Lebowski, Caddyshack, Tin Cup
  14. I seem to be irritated by the buff. I find it itchy and it fogs my glasses up. Best investment for me has been some northface fishing pants. They are very light and once wet, they stay cool without being "soaked".
  15. 1/0 spinshot for me.
  16. I have tried it all and nothing works better than a leech (live or gulp).
  17. Claudio Sanchez - Coheed and Cambria
  18. It was a comment to Walt Parazaider, one of Chicago's band memebers during a live gig. W.P. has said it over and over again but unfortunately it was never recorded or written down to be "on the record" as I had said. Sorry to tick of another Hendrix is god person. BTW...not too sure if it helps my case but Hendrix also said that Billy Gibbons was one of the best. http://www.vsplanet.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1180752 http://copywriter31.hubpages.com/hub/Jimi-Hendrix-or-Terry-Kath-Who-Was-The-Greatest-Guitarist-of-All-Time http://www.premierguitar.com/articles/Forgotten_Heroes_Terry_Kath http://www.allmanbrothersband.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=XForum&file=viewthread&tid=30612 It was even mentioned from the band in "Behind the Music" on VH1. For those who don't know him, check out some of the early Chicago stuff. His guitar is mostly in the background but he comes with some blistering solos.
  19. Terry Kath of early Chicago (before all the lovee dovee stuff) **even Hendrix is on record saying that Kath is the greatest he had ever heard 2nd place goes to EVH.
  20. 10# braid for me. It helps with them toothy critters.
  21. Thanks cadman! I knew that a bigger shop wouldn't work with me and show me. That is why I would prefer a guy who did work on the side or is willing to take the time to walk me through it. If you don't mind, could you pm me his contact info? Thanks Slone. I will be making some calls this week and will make sure to contact them.
  22. Outboard Mechanic needed - Lake County, IL SE Wis 1986 Mercury 75hp Hopefully some of you IL guys can help me out here. I bought a boat from a friend and cleaned out the carbs, new fuel pump diaphragm, new fuel lines and filter as well as a complete lower unit rebuild (seals leaking). I am having one hell of a time getting it to idle correctly. I cannot get it to idle below 1,700rpms. I have done a link and sync but am stuck getting a good idle going. It either stays put at 1,700 or gradually revs up to around 2,500rpms. I have dissected this manual twelve ways from Sunday with no difference. All adjustment specs are spot on to the manual but I just can't get the idle down. I would like to stay away from Bass Pro Service center and Skipper Buds. I would prefer a mechanic who can take the time to show me or one who does work on the side as I enjoy anything with a motor and tend to think I am handy with a wrench.
  23. A little jb weld and you should be back in business.
  24. 1/8 oz bullet weight t-rigged on a 4/0 ewg.
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