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Everything posted by jbw252

  1. Great catch. Congrats!
  2. Nice haul - congrats!
  3. Congrats on your great day. It's going to be tough to beat your PB now!
  4. Nice fish. Congrats.
  5. Nice post Rolo. After reading the responses, I felt compelled to chime in. My Mom passed away in Sept. 2012, after the five year steady decline that Alzheimer's causes. She went through the forgetfulness, the frightening realization that Alzheimer's was consuming her, two broken hips, and withered away into that catatonic state. Wherever she was in her mind, it wasn't a happy place. Alzheimer's is a horrifying disease. My thoughts are with you & your family. Stay strong & remember the good times. ~Joe~
  6. Great video - yup, I did all those things. Plus hopped on freight trains, climbed across the frozen Delaware River, hiked parts of the Appalachian trail without adult supervision, and rode our bikes behind the mosquito spraying truck. Stupid stuff (yet fun), and lived to tell.
  7. Sage advice. Thanks.
  8. After having a crappy week at work, I thought that this was an appropriate song to sum it all up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dULOjT9GYdQ
  9. Great fish - hopefully the first of many...
  10. Who cares how much it weighed. Her smile says it all. Congrats on a nice catch.
  11. Nice video. That was a bold move horsing that pig up onto the dock. I kept waiting for the rod to snap...
  12. Congrats on the catch! Mike is quite the craftsman with those jigs. I'm glad he's a sponsor here.
  13. Great video of an osprey fishing. http://www.youtube.com/embed/nA3LtXnNIto?feature=player_embedded
  14. ^^^Good advice. Also read the "Best of" posts from Glen. Click here http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/60793-best-of-bassresourcecom/
  15. They are Jerzees brand, heavyweight blend, 50/50 cotton/poly, and seem true to size.
  16. It's time to hang some crankbaits from your mirror...
  17. Hey congrats - nice fish.
  18. Before you commit, check with Ron from Valley Sports & More (he's a sponsor here at BR). You won't be disapppointed - great service & prices. ( and great advice from a great guy)
  19. Received my long sleeved Siebert shirt today too, along with a beautifully crafted jig. Nice work Mike. Support our BR site sponsors.
  20. A little Freudian slip there WhiteMike1018?
  21. The gloomy ride home after getting skunked.
  22. Before you commit, check with Ron from Valley Sports & More (he's a sponsor here at BR). You won't be disapppointed - great service & prices.
  23. Great video - thanks for sharing. I loved the smiles on the kids faces! If those fish get any bigger, you're gonna need a larger diameter auger. Ha!
  24. Just ordered! Thanks Mike. Good luck on the sales.
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