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Everything posted by jbw252

  1. WTG. You guys make a good team & a force to be reckoned with. Congrats.
  2. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums. Quit the lurking, you belong here now.
  3. Don't sweat the small stuff. Everyone can occasionally misspell or mistype a word. Some folks don't care & others can't wait to point out a mistake. That's the way of the world. You are part of this community, so enjoy reading and contributing in the forums. Thank you for your dedicated service for our country.
  4. Ricky - Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  5. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  6. WTG Dylan. All of your hard work paid off. Congrats.
  7. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  8. Nice looking bass. WTG.
  9. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  10. Tyler - Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  11. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  12. Robbie - Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  13. Oh boy... up the creek with only one paddle doesn't sound fun. Chalk it up to experience, so it doesn't happen again.
  14. Benjamin - Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums. I'm glad things are looking up for you. I guess your Uncle's fishing rod has some good mojo, as well as some fond memories.
  15. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  16. My condolences. After your tears dry up, get back out there & try again.
  17. Nice haul there, Blue. Congrats.
  18. Ric - Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  19. Lurk no more, now you belong here. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  20. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums. Thank you for your service.
  21. I often use lipless cranks (Strike King Red Eye Shad), for my search bait. It could be in the salad or in open water. The fish will let you know if they want it.
  22. Greg - Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums. I'm sure some folks from the Chicago area will be along soon to give you some responses.
  23. Ernest - Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  24. Nice looking catches. WTG.
  25. Kudos to you for what you did & for sharing it with us. For all of our service men/women, we thank you for your dedicated service & for keeping us safe.
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