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Everything posted by jbw252

  1. Jon - Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  2. Jeffrey - Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  3. Buy a used boat. A conversion jon boat project can be daunting. Check out this site for ideas & instructions --->>> https://www.tinboats.net/forum/
  4. WTG. Congrats on a nice looking catch.
  5. Check the ninth post in this thread. PM @roadwarrior for his Paypal address.
  6. Ditto on the Streamlight 61051. Runs on 3 AAA batteries. Plus, it doesn't have a strobe feature which I don't need or want.
  7. Congratulations @A-Jay. Good things are definitely going your way. You should be wearing a "Life is Good" shirt!
  8. Thank you for your dedicated service.
  9. Wow - great job to all involved. And a big thanks to all who served.
  10. The Pflueger President is a great choice. It's a tank - durable & not too expensive for most folks. I too, would suggest the 30 size.
  11. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  12. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  13. Great looking catch. WTG.
  14. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  15. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  16. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  17. Yikes. At least you boated a few.
  18. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  19. I'm glad that you're okay. That incident could have ended in tragedy. Always wear your PFD.
  20. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  21. Great looking bass. Congratulations.
  22. Great catch. WTG.
  23. Sounds like some good times, which are definitely things to be thankful for. Enjoy.
  24. WTG. Congrats.
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