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Everything posted by jbw252

  1. Sweet. Can we buy advance tickets?
  2. Spoken like a true Jersey guy... although there's probably many on this forum who don't even know what porkroll is.
  3. Small world. Hope you have a great fishing season this year.
  4. Glenn - good educational video. - Equipment ✔️ - Jig ✔️ - Retrieve ✔️
  5. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  6. Priceless! WTG Lake.
  7. You'll be fine with the SP30. Fish it & enjoy it. Good luck out there...
  8. Touché. Plus, we're not sure what's below the belt. But, it is Buff...
  9. Well, if you had a lot of favorite short sleeved shirts, then you would only need one pair of arm protectors to be protected.
  10. ⬆️ THANK YOU! You got this right, Scott.
  11. I have them from 1000 to 3500 sizes. (I'm not including my collection of salt water reels here). I have to agree with Crestliner2008, that I favor my Shimano Stradic CI4+ in the 2500 size. Then again, it depends on the rod that you're pairing it with. And like the other posts say, the manufacturers play games with their size listings. (Pflueger is probably the biggest culprit here.)
  12. Kevin - lurk no more, you belong here now. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  13. Fred - Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  14. Welcome to Bass Resource. Enjoy reading & contributing in the forums.
  15. There's not one person on this forum who thinks any differently then you. Bass fishing is nirvana. Congrats!
  16. My brother in law calls that his "divine trilogy".
  17. I call the "Bread & Milk" folks the "French Toast Brigade". What else would you make with bread, milk, & eggs? Good luck to everyone in the path of this Nor'easter.
  18. Sounds like a good choice. The Cabela's tournament zx spinning reel is on sale, too.
  19. Try to keep one side of your kayak clear for re-entry. Nobody wants to do a re-entry, but you may have to one day. Plan your trolley accordingly.
  20. How about a suspending lipless? Read on ➡️ https://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/135989-suspending-lipless-crankbaits/
  21. jbw252

    New Dress

    Oh boy...what hospital is he in? Ha.
  22. http://www.tbcpress.com/Fishing-Tournaments-Derbies-NJ.html
  23. Congrats. Be sure to check out TinBoats.net for help & ideas on your project. Good luck.
  24. It probably belongs to the guy standing on the bank crying & looking longingly at the water.
  25. Kudos to you for sharing your fishing knowledge with others. WTG.
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