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  1. Kingston lake is really close to out.This weekends rains and warmer weather next week,I think most southern Nh fishin holes should be clear,for the most part,by next week.
  2. Hey folks,its been awhile.Last season I hardly fished,workin 2 jobs,hasn't left much time. This season I'm fishing,I need some time on the water. Any way,I was in NJ this past weekend and noticed people in boats fishing in Ct.and people still ice fishing in Ma.I wouldnt trust the ice now.Haven't really checked out the local ponds,Powwow is probably open,and some more warm weather the lakes shouldnt be too long. Hope to see some of yooze out on the ponds I will be fishing lots more this season for sure.. 8-)
  3. I was looking for a holster for my newly aquired Beretta 96,so I looked around on Ebay.I bought a holster from a guy,(user name,Mo.Lakota)(Ebay store,Caldwell gun leathers)I purchased the Southwestern for the 92/96 Beretta. I saw the guys ads and just felt like buying from this guy, that hand makes Holsters rather than buying from a big name holster co. I dont generally do this,but thought,this guy makes such OUTSTANDING QUALITY stuff,I have to let you'all know. If your looking for a high quality,everyday duty type holster,no frills just,quality and fucntionality.This Guy nails it. I bought the Southwestern,there is no thumb strap or anything to keep the gun in the holster except the fit,the Holsters are leather(extreemly hard leather) they are brushed inside,so your gun will (in my case ) fit really tight,I had to really jam the gun in there and it practicly took two people to get it out.After shoving the gun in it a few times it fits good now.These are molded to fit and are done,Outstandingly.. I've seen a bunch of holsters,when I worked at the gun shop.This guy makes good stuff..
  4. That was funny.
  5. Thats unfortunate,Muddys a Good Man. Thanxs,Muddy peace jim
  6. Has anyone noticed a larger than normal winter kill of fish?Allmost everyone that I talk to, that lives on Powow or Country ponds, has mentioned a big kill of fish, in particular larger bass. I was wondering if they may have put something in the water to controll the weeds,they have allways been a big complaint,about those ponds.
  7. Here's a question,can you still get lead additive?I should probably use it in that ,right? Gas is crap now,if you let it sit in anything to long the ethenol crystalizes and messes up carbs bad.That thing has probably only had a diet of good old leaded gas. Lucky enough,you can pretty much take that bike a part with a screwdriver and a 10mm socket.
  8. My best buddy gave me this 69 Trail90,His dad bought it new in 69,he learned to ride on it,and he gave it to me,cuz he knows I love to tinker with old gear,and I would restore it.Here's a pic not of the actual bike,it needs a little work but this ones not far off.2006_11_11_bikepics-720138-800 Pretty cool. Any CT90 riders out there with any tips or links to parts? have fun jim
  9. Matt;I'm a little unsure in reading your post if Chelsea is doing Chemo,or radiation,or both.I can only speak from my experiance,and its a differant cocktail for differant types of cancer. She should eat even if she feels sick,for me I felt better,she has to keep her motabliism up and running.I ate, steaks,eggs,protien bars.things with iron and protien.I know eating those kinds of foods kept my red cell count up.I also stayed active even when I had to drag that pump around for a few days,each session.They tell you if your tired sleep,and all the different side affects you could have.IMO,alot of that is in your head,I believe you can with the right attitude make the side affects much less severe.You just have to get it in your head that your going to get well,and though things wont allways be fun,your going to put your game face on and live through it. I wish you and your family all the best,dont baby her too much,bring out the fighter.. peace jim
  10. If the boat was ever registered before,you need the bow numbers. You need to bring a bill of sale. You can ,I think, register at any DMV.I registered mine in Epping.After you first register the boat you can renew the reg at your town hall,or any town hall.I live in Exeter I can renew my reg in Kingston if I want.I dont think its only specific Town Halls,I could be wrong,I know Kingston does. You also,even with just a electric motor have to have the safty equipment Horn fire extinguiser( my spell check almost blew-up with that) light flotation device for each passenger. They give you a list.
  11. Is it ok to put non fishing/outdoors related items? I have a couple of music related things that I would offer here before I E-bay them thanks jim
  12. No,thats a pic off the net,it looks the same,and has the Beretta grips not Hogue.ya can get them,I like the looks of those too.A buddy uses Hogue's similar to those on his 1911 they feel good.I have the wrap around Pacmyers. jim
  13. beretta92fs_elite This is the gun in 40S&W
  14. I got a couple ok fish today,missed several.I was wacky rigging BallBreakers on those Gammy 2/0 weedless circle hooks,and sometime I miss fish with those hooks.I switched to T-rig with a wide gap and was able to hook-up on a few.Not too bad, it was a beautiful day,and I was just bank-beatin in between jobs. have fun jim
  15. I guess the Brigadier models have heavy slides,and were designed for sport shooting.They are also a little shorter than the standard 92/96 Berettas.I cant really find much as far as reviews online for that model,everything else and in between but not that one. I can get a good deal(I think) on the gun $450 in the box with 3mags,its used,but not much.I never owned a 40 I'm kind of a 45 guy myself.
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