Surfcasting/shore fishing can be very difficult sometimes. I have the same issue, I rarely catch from shore. The fish are usually just out of reach of my farthest cast, and if the fish are up shallow, its high tide and I cant get near them in my waders because its just not shallow enough to stand in. But the yak makes everything better for me
Went out again today, the wind was blowing like insane so I had to anchor down. Found a bunch of seagulls hovering around a school and I picked off around 9 bluefish ranging from 16"-20", all on a pencil popper. Very fun. The wind was insane; I could barely work my pencil popper and paddling back to shore across the harbor took forever and was quite the workout. Tons of fun. But I think I will stick to early mornings/late evenings and days where there is no wind. Wind and kayaks dont go well, especially when you are trying to fish