You can put anything on a shakey head. I usually put on a zoom baby brush hog, zoom trick worm, ragetail rage craw, big bite baits kriet kreature, berkley curly tail worms.. Worms work really well. Finesse worms, senko style worms, tailed worms, any worm. Any plastic could be put on a shakey head and catch fish, but worms excel as the shakey head design allows a worm to sit upright and create a shivering action when it sits still on the bottom. I fish in small ponds so I don't know what depth works best but I fish from the shallowest water to the deepest in the pond, 1ft to 6-8 ft. Structure wise I fish it in anything that looks bassy: lily pads, grass, reed edges and just open water works well too.
Good luck