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Weld's Largemouth

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Everything posted by Weld's Largemouth

  1. Storm swimbaits. Don't waste your money on expensive Hudd baits, waste of money. Storm swimbaits are even better and much cheaper
  2. I'm up the mountains fishing ponds and the bass are slow. I see them feeding on fry and bluegills. I managed to catch a few small bass but the biguns are lazy or something. The bluegill fishing is insane. The bluegills are spawning on their beds and the bass are all weird, they don't seem to be on beds. The water is cooler than down south, it gets 45 degrees air temp at night but 75 during the day. Any tips? Thanks I'm going again today
  3. Nice fish! BUY A SCALE!!!
  4. It soooo good you gotta get it. It goes great with the shimano Stradic ci4 reel. The rod is so light and great action and backbone. This only broken cause my weight hit it. I'll get a new one for free though
  5. 1 year warranty I got it a month ago
  6. Shimano Cumara, getting replaced with warranty
  7. Today i was fishing with tungsten bullet weights and when i was pulling my lure out of a brush pile the weight came flying back and ticked the rod in the side. I attempted to cast and bam it snapped, just above the reel
  8. Just don't do competitions. Simple as that, fishing is just as fun without competing
  9. That's why I barely fish public or easy access ponds
  10. Buy yourself some 12lb monofilament, a pack of gamakatsu 4/o ewg worm hooks, a pack or two of Gary Yamamoto 5 inch senkos (any color works, I like pumpkin colors the best). Look on the internet how to put the line on your reel. Then once that is done, learn the improved clinch knot and use that to tie on the gamakatsu hook. Tie directly to the line. Then look up how to Texas rig a senko. That will teach you how to put the senko on the hook properly. Finally increase the drag on the reel but turning the dial on top of the reel until it requires a little force for you to pull the line of the reel while the bail is closed. Make sure it isn't too tight; always better for it to be loose than to tight. Go to a pond or lake with shore access. Cast the senko in open water or around the shore line. Let it sink for 4 or 5 seconds. Twitch your rod to the side until you feel the senko move. Wait 2 seconds while you reel in the slack line. Twitch again and repeat. When you feel odd weight on your line wait half a second then rear the rod upwards and back to set the hook. Don't wait to long or the fish may try to swallow( but this is rare ) and not to quick or you won't hook the fish. Begin to reel. Keep rod bend. You can hold it upwards or down to the side. If you reel starts losing line as fish pulls let him pull it out and swim around. Just make sure he doesn't swim into a fallen branch or something.. When you manage to get him near shore kneel to him and put your thumb in his mouth and grip tight on his lower jaw. Look up to hold a largemouth bass properly online. Be sure to bring pliers if u can't get the hook out easily. Good luck!!!
  11. Hello, what is the difference between the band color and the wire tie collar on this bait? : http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/Fogy-Bubble-Blade-103.htm
  12. Thanks! and what about the color of the jighead itself? black, brown or green pumpkin
  13. thanks. what color and weight do u recommend?
  14. what type of shaky heads? what worms?
  15. So i am looking into making another order from tackle wareHouse today and i need some ideas of what to get. I'd like to try something new.
  16. Do you let those bass go?
  17. Okay, thank you all for the tips!
  18. Hey I just bought a buzz bait and I was wondering how to work it, what depth and what speed. Thanks
  19. Lol I cant find a good tape measure that doesn't rust
  20. Dark colors at night and topwater
  21. Hey all, Today i went to try out this pond i saw on Google Earth and i landed a nice 4 lb fish, 19 inches long; on a Excalibur Heddon Pop'n Image Jr. Oh yea baby!!!!
  22. You don't try other lures ever?!
  23. How would you fish it!? #3 I thought this would be a interesting, fun idea: I give you a photo of a spot and i give you the current conditions. You are given five baits that you must pick from to use. You may suggest a bait for this spot. Some of the baits may be difficult to use during given conditions or new to you. You must choose a bait from the five baits, explain your reasoning, and how would you work it (speed, etc.) The spot: Conditions: Sunny, clear sky, warm, shallow water (pond is quite shallow overall), late May, mid to high 70's ( degrees ), LOTS of weeds, plants and grass, clear water, midday. Lures with exposed hooks pick up lots of weeds The baits : [images are not actual scale] 1. Gary Yamamoto Senko, 5" Bama Bug color 2. Booyah Poppin Pad Crasher Frog, Cricket Frog color 3. Booyah Boo Jig, Watermelon/Red flake color w/ Strike King KVD Perfect Plastic KVD Chunk + 4. Zoom 4" Fluke, Watermelon seed color 5. Johnson Silver Minnow Weedless Spoon
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