Hey all!
Early in the morning the air was cool and was in the low 60s. The air had significantly cooled over night, as it had been in the 80s the previous evening. This cold front just made me want to go fishing, since it has been very slow and sluggish fishing lately, maybe this front will make a change, i thought.
I ask my buddy if he wants to go fishing at a pond nearby him and we end up going out to fish at around 12:30pm.
We arrive at the pond; its very windy out and the sun is high and strong, but the temperatures remain relatively cool compared to previous days: mid 70s.
We both toss soft plastics around sticks and drop offs from shoreline and we arent able to connect with any bass. I tie on a booyah spinnerbait and toss it under a tree overhanging the pond, providing shade. I reel at a moderate pace and as i approach the shoreline, out from the shade comes a massive head with huge shoulders. A 6 lb largemouth slams my spinnerbait and i quickly land it.
Measured 21 inches long and 6lbs 1oz. Just 6 oz shy of my PB, which i caught in florida
6lbs is a big big fish for up here in New York
Excuse my facial expressions in these photos i was very shocked and excited
Look at that stomach!!!!!!
After this fish, my friend caught a skinny 17 incher that weight just under 2 lbs.
We decide to take the row boat out onto the pond to get to some different spots. This is my first time ever fishing from a boat in freshwater.
We approach a shady edge covered with trees and with branches in the water. I cast my spinnerbait under the tree, into about a foot of water near the shoreline.
And WHAM! I hook up with a nice lunker! My first bass from a boat just happens to be one of my best new york bass!
She weighed 5lbs and was 20.5 inches long. Boy did she have a lumpy belly!!
Also, she had a bluegill tail sticking out of her throat (i didnt get a photo of the bluegill tail, i wanted to release her quickly)
Im so glad i've finally managed to shake the skunk off of me! Its been two weeks too many!!!!!!
Thanks BR!!!!