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Slade House

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About Slade House

  • Birthday 10/20/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Stuart, FL
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Casitas, Potomac River, Private lake aka the lost ranch, South Fork St. Lucie River where i live now.  

  • Other Interests
    DJ for 18 years

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  • About Me
    My real name is Slade House, Masters of Science in Accounting, former Senior Accountant of Fixed Assets at FLIR Systems.  I spent 293 days out of 365 at Lake Casitas, CA in 2014. Currently i live in Stuart Florida where you can find me... 

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  1. PM me i live in stuart, i have a bass boat , gas is cheap. I have a friend here that knows all the best spots to shore fish up near you in ft pierce . i fish the st lucie inlet for snook and tarpon. i also have access to a massive 5000 acre ranch right off 95 in palm city, that has a 40 ft deep 4 mile long lake and another 40 foot deep lake on it with monster bass in it , even some bowfin. I want to go to okachobee again, and i would love to go up to stick marsh with my boat. . my gas bill is cheap so yeah PM me and ill give you my phone number and we can go I also fish for snook . just moved here 6 months ago from CALIFornia
  2. alright i will try the sea foam and the stabil in my engines again. see what it does. i hope i am wrong
  3. Megabass Levante , or the Orichi XX . I have 4 megabass rods after i spent a lifetime using Daiwa , shimano, st croix. Get a megabass rod I reeled in a 32 inch snook and 30 lb tarpon on 10lb flurocarbon using a megabass rod 2 weeks ago. they cast far, they have power and they're extremly lightweight, and they come with a nice sleeve.case
  4. Defensive casting, fire a warning shot . i Was once fishing a rock wall and this guy in a rental boat comes up and drives between me and the wall. Mind you lm 40 feet from the wall . I was gonna let it go until I saw him smirk as he did it. So I cast my Texas rigged tungsten weight at his boat , land it in his boat between him and his passenger up front.rattled it around and yanked it back out. Scared the guy so much he drove the boat into the wall . Hilarious . Problem is when that goes wrong you end up hitting a guy with a 2 oz punching weight in the head like I did this year
  5. Sea Foam Motor Treatment will help: THE BIG WORD HERE IS HELP SO IT HELPS Clean Injectors . -- NOPE HELPS Clean Carb Jets . ---IT DOES JACK TO CLEAN CARB JETS HELPS Clean Deposits . --- NOPE , DOESN'T CLEAN DEPOSITS ON THE THROTTLE BODY- NOBODY SAYS IN THEIR YOUTUBE VIDEO TITLED "How to clean your throttle body" spray some seafoam in there first, it helps clean things. HELPS Control Moisture in Fuel Systems . ---- you mean a water filter? HELPS Add Lubricity and Protection to Fuel - nope, fuel does that on its on HELPS Anti-corrosive . anti corrosive? fuel systems are made of things that gasoline will corrode HELPS Lube Upper Cylinders --- nope, and even if it did , how could you tell, and doesn't oil and gasoline already do that. HELPS Quiet Noisy Lifters-- this is BS, and very easily a placebo HELPS Stabilize Fuels for up to 2 Years HELPS Clean Passageways HELPS Liquefy Gum and Varnish HELPS De-Ice and Anti-Gel --- You mean seafoam is antifreeze? "Hey american airlines flight 427 we have to hold here while the ground crew sprays seafoam on the wings for deiicing procedure."" NOPE!!! HELPS Clean Intake Valves--- NOPE !!!!!! HELPS Clean Pistons . Phu*k NOPE!! so sea foam is claims to help do all these things, when if you have ever actuallly hac to clean your carbs in an outboard (remember to take a engraving micro pen and label your cylinders) , completely clean the entire fuel system (don't forget your zip ties), clean throttle bodies on crappy honda engines , etc etc then you know this stuff is snake oil. Me personally i don't need products that help, i need products that do. Like JB weld (NOW IN bigger 16 oz tubes) . JB weld does, Dirtex does, bleach does, grease does, oil does, gasoline does, while SEA FOAM HELPS??!!?!??! if i need help in any of the things that sea foam claims to help, ill buy what i need to do that right, and do it right. its like shampoio and conditioner combined, it doesnt do a good job of either shampooing and or condtioning.
  6. If its an express boat !!! awesome
  7. You want my spinning reels? here ya go. I don't use them anymore .
  8. Seafoam is just snake oil , nuff said
  9. Lake Casitas California. No water skiing allowed, no body contact with the lake. OMG paradise
  10. Mike, if you don't have one of these on your positive cable between your trolling motor and the battery whats happening to you will happen. Think of it like a 50 amp breaker you would find in your breaker box at home. What happens if you plug in a hair dryer and the breaker is switched to off? The hair dryer won't turn on right? This is what is happening on your trolling motor. I mistakingly took mine off the positive line on my MGuide XI5 . Even though i installed a 30 amp fuse on the postive line using an automotive fuse thing it did the exact same thing yours is doing with the exact same symptoms. These cost 8.99 at cabellas, go buy one now and i bet you it will work.
  11. Ive done it on more than one occasion. You can drink any water safely with a $3 bottle of iodine tincture bought at your local drug store.
  12. They sell Sea Foam at Autoparts stores, so I don't use either, sea foam = placebo. On my 2 stroke i clean my fuel lines and carbs every few years with an air compressor. just get some zip ties and boom
  13. Call me when that happens and then your boat catches on fire on the way back to to the dock
  14. take it to a car stereo place, have them do it right. don't go to a uhaul or somewhere like that. take it to a car stereo place and have them do it right. trust me on this one, i didn't have trailer lights for 3 years and i can change my impellor on my outboard and put it back together in less than hour. take it to car stereo place, dont try and diagnose it or fix it yourself , unless you enjoy laying in nasty pavement cursing the sky
  15. Did you check the electrical breaker on the positive cable. This happened to me.
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